Friday, November 30, 2012


The picture problem as of now remains unsolved. It seems to be on blogger's end, as there's lots of mad people out there that are getting the same message. It's crazy that a huge company name like Google wouldn't fix the problem immediately.
Here's a cute picture that I uploaded a few weeks ago, though. 

Family Budget Meeting:  Men at Work
We've been missing Gma and Gpa since being home after Thanksgiving, but have gotten back into our routine pretty fast. 
Before I forget some of the best Thanksgiving lines, here they are! 

The first thing out of SuperMan's mouth after seeing Gma:  "Gwama? You make me a pie?"  No hi, no nothing.  Just straight to the business of pie. 

SuperMan also had the most hilarious dream where he encountered a dinosaur that had Ababa's head.  He told us he wasn't scared because he was sleeping in Josh's room and he knew that Josh would save him.  :)
Speaking of sleep, it was hard to come by.  With thin walls and kids who decided it would be great to wake up 6 times a night, a good night of sleep was pretty elusive.  My favorite was Bear's 20 minutes of roaring after he woke up and said, "I'm a lion!"  Trust me, it's easier to look back on this now and laugh.
Hopefully I'll get some Thanksgiving pictures up soon!!  

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Back from Mizzert!

Huge bummer, huge bummer. 

Sadly, blogger has just informed me that I have maxed out my available space for photos and can no longer upload more until I solve that little problem. 

And let me tell you, this Thanksgiving had it all.  Grasshoppers, crowns, kazoos, and tractors too!  Sigh. 

Until next time!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Breakfast of Champions

 And a very happy anniversary to my husband of eight years!! 
I believe Jesus knew what he was doing when he gave me you. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

We're coming, Grandma!!

We've found it easier to travel as a family if you just pack your kids. 
What about you, readers?  Any tips for long car trips with youngens? 

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ninja Bread!

These smiles slay me.  Cutest ever.
We met up with some other Ethiopian buds on Saturday night for a feast.  Doro tibs, miser, alecha, gomen, injera, just to name a few!  The only Ethiopian adult present was actually impressed with our efforts, or more likely just very polite.  We all agreed that the the injera could use a little work though.  Addis continued to ask for more ninja bread, so it couldn't have been a complete bust!     
 "I can take a drink and smile at the same time!!"

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Birthdays, Ababa Imitators, and Folktales

Bear: "Gases, Ababa.  Owwie, Ababa."
Mama: "O, are you saying that you are wearing your glasses like Ababa?"
"Happy Birthday Mimi!!"

And check out this cool ET folktale website.  Happy weekend!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Goodbye October!

We've finally got a pumpkin carved and had some yummy seeds.  Better late than never!
Today is Orphan Sunday and we are trying to start some kind of adoption ministry at our church.  I'm excited to see where God leads! 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

I was just looking through the October pictures on my computer, and I realized I needed to catch up!  Even with Jon being gone half the month, it was such a great one!

"zebra with raindrops"

By far the cutest face SuperMan has ever drawn!