Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Thanksgiving Unload Part 2

Seth spent the entire week crafting weapons at the farm or even better... in Aunt Joy's craft room!
Many boomerangs, sling shots, knifes, and guns were imagined.
Ollie found some of Dad's old Legos.
Lily teaching Nolan her "a hat, a hat" ways.
Everyone wants a turn playing with Grandpa!
Aunt Joy planned a scavenger hunt around the farm...
On the hunt!
Spotting another clue in the shop!
Victory Dance!  The last item was found!
And very exciting news was inside!!  Yay!!  Can't wait to love on Cousin #2!!!
Cousin #1 is already lots of cuteness. 
Lily, determined that Noey won't leave her house without this hat game figured out.
Babies gated. 
Noley Poley and Grandma!
Happy Thanksgiving!  Good food, better company!
And moving on straight into Christmas!
Nolan was too enamored with his rubber darts to open anything.  I don't think those left his fists all afternoon.
More presents.
Ollie, we already are amazed! ;)
Big smiles from Seth!
More loot!
Noey's first ever dance moves, one day shy of nine months.  That elephant had music you just wanted to stomp your foot to!
Grandma, Nolan, and a beloved rubber dart.
The original dream team: Jon, Joy, and Josh!

Thanksgiving Unload Part 1

Here's some highlights!
The cutest lil minion marshmallow getting ready to check out the farm with grandpa.
Naptime for a couple of my favorites.
Three Chex Mix lovers.
Uncle Josh!
Grandma lovin'
First bites of ham and scalloped potatoes.
A bunch of grandkids playing with Grandpa!
Naptime on the floor at grandma's. 
(I had to post this picture because it's adorable, but I can't seem to turn it the right way!)
Practicing walking with Ollie and Dad!
Just about got it!
Grandpa, Lily, and Nolan playing tower.
Family Picture Time!
Grandparents, kids, and grandkids: the couch is full!!

Monday, November 28, 2016


Another trip to Missouri is in the books.  Noley wasn't a fan of sleeping at night, I got covered in vomit head to toe four times, and Seth lost his marbles twice, but I think it was still my favorite ever Missouri trip.  It was so fun to be able to spend a big chunk of time with family.  Jon and I also loved all the delicious food, evidenced by the combined 8 pounds we gained.  There are bunches and bunches of pictures, so I'm guessing this is going to be the first of a many part post.

Poley Pie and I used some airline points and scored a $5 ticket.  That was super nice.

Jon and the boys drove and took a selfie every hour and texted it to me so I could see their progress.  All the pictures look remarkably similar.  :)

And then we all got to play at Joy, BJ's, and Lily's house when we got there.
Our cousin Lily is super fun.