Friday, August 21, 2020


 Flowers for the teacher! (And hard seltzer.)

We have home-schooled for 10 days. Truly I am not sure if it is going well or is a train-wreck. (If I don't know, does that automatically mean its a train-wreck?) 

I have actually enjoyed some components of the job. It's nice to be really intentional with the boys. It's awesome to see them learn and understand a concept better. It's fun to know what they are learning about and be able to talk about it casually throughout the day if the topic comes up organically. 

I do not like that one of my kids totally loses their cool and screams at me at least once a day. That is something I could for sure do without. Also, the pay is terrible. 

We have been learning about the four regions of Texas in social studies and learned about llanite, a pinkish granite found in the Great Plains region. The capital building in Austin is made out of the stuff and thus an afternoon field trip was born. (The following pictures don't really do the pink-ness justice.)

It was actually a super lame trip. The fences were all locked up and gates barred and we couldn't even walk on the grass. Sometimes covid regulations make no sense to me.

But we did stop by HomeSlice Pizza, further down on Congress Street, so that was definitely a redeeming factor of the trip. As I'm typing this, I'm realizing it was exactly like a real field trip where lunch with your friends is the best part. Really, who cares about dumb 'ol pink granite??

I kept Nolan enrolled at the elementary school that we can see from our backyard. I wanted to keep tabs on the school and wanted him to have a place once school re-opened as pre-k spots fill very quickly and are not guaranteed like other grades. He is on his fourth day of virtual and it is somewhat of a nightmare. Him and all his four-year old little buddies are expected to log-on to the "classroom" at FIVE different times during the day for live instruction from his teacher. The good news? You actually only have to log on once in order to be counted present for attendance purposes which is mightily more manageable. It does make me really glad the big boys aren't doing virtual though. It seems so unrealistic. 

Nolan has also called his teacher Mr. Underpants, turd, and sucker in a joking and jovial way on these video chats. I played off the turd comment by interrupting and quickly saying, "she doesn't want to be called a turtle!". We are working on only using the name Mrs. Tiemann or ma'am. Oye. 

Other happenings: 

We have started decorating a bit of the house. Ollie is getting some Chiefs striping in anticipation of setting his room up for his birthday. 

Jolly Mask Co. had a good run, but is already winding down. For these last few orders, its only been the J. Mask Co. 

I mashed up the back of HotShot as I backed out of the garage with the tail gate open. It makes me infuriated. 

Lots of outside time and trips to the park, track, or bike rides despite every day being right around 100 degrees. 

Now it's time to gear up for some birthdays! 

Monday, August 10, 2020

First Day of School 2020

 Here's the crew for Mot Academy!
***Ollie: Grade 4: Teacher- Mrs. Mot***
***Seth: Grade maybe 5th or 6th (TBD-Ha!): Teacher- Mrs. Mots***
***Nolan: Grade Pre-K: Teacher- Mrs. Mama***
Haven't I always heard how people love homeschooling because of the flexible schedule? With that in mind, I'm going to need people to come visit us and invite us to their houses. Currently, we are open for August, September, October, November, and December. Book now! (Fingers crossed that we will be tied back to a schedule starting in January!)

First full time job in a while! No pay, but Mrs. Mot, Mrs. Mots, and Mrs. Mama to three students.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

HP Forevah!

Happy birthday, Harry! 

Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Mountains are Calling and I must Go

 -John Muir

Masks on, Montana here we come! Jennifer came with us as well; she and Seth were sitting a few rows away and didn't get in on our take off pic.

Well, hello gorgeous. Thanks for the warm welcome.

New fun that was added to the farm this summer.... a dock! Jumping into frigid water versus stepping in one icy step at a time is definitely easier, thus more swimming. And fun (duh).

I think this next pictures shows how clearly I am a Wieferich. My face shape is exactly the same as my cousin Erica's, my brother Eli's, my mom's, and my grandpa Bill's.


Time to play with some goats!

These next pictures are further proof that Nolan needs a dog. I looked into golden doodle puppies in the Austin area and was told they are 3k each. Time for plan B! We are definitely going to have to check out some shelters. 

Farm Life! Time to help Momo and Mimi harvest garlic.
This is maybe 1/30th of our final haul.

My favorite crop ever, fresh picked Noey.

Ollie and some of Mimi's flowers. Beautiful!
Cousin time! Playing basketball with Erica's kids
Kayak time

Ollie and Jon went all the way around the island and did some major exploring. They were gone around 2 hours and weathered a major 15 minute down pour. True adventurers.

The old barn is just as sway back as ever, but is holding strong. Its looking like 2020 is not the year it will topple.
Nowhere beats Tamarack for dinner plus the creek for exploring.

Hike up Strawberry Mountain. I'm pretty sure we went farther than last year; next summer we will top it for sure. 

S'more night!
Church Slough, see you next time!
I've decided we are coming back in October, in part to fill this truck up with pumpkins. Cute, right?

I'd say the mountains are still calling....