Sunday, August 14, 2022


Alright faithful readers. At this point it's just going to have to be a photo dump so I can get caught up! Tomorrow is the first day of school after all, and we know that has to be documented. 

We loved our summer trip to Montana again this year. Ollie, Nolan, and I were there for 2 weeks, and Jon and Seth came up for the last 5ish days. Ollie went to camp again, we hiked, fished, played, and ran around with Daisy. Ribs were eaten, bald faced hornets stung, and maps were hung. We had lots of laughs and enjoyed being far, far away from 100 degree weather. 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Welcome August!

Hello August! August is here and I am ready for it! 

We started back-to-school professional development August 3rd and I had so much fun connecting with my teacher buddies. My kids are ready (Ollie, just this morning, "Yeah, I think I am so excited about going back to school.") and I am ready. I am not sure if I am in the minority or majority, but I would love for my family to be in a year-round school. I think it would be so ideal to be in school for 6 weeks and have one week off, then summer would be shorter with only 4 or 5 weeks off in the summer. Between the extroverts, Sped kids, and emerging readers, it would be so ideal for my fam.  

Ollie has joined a select soccer team with 2 practices a week + a weekend game or tournament, Jon and I signed up to participate in a marriage class, Nolan starts swim lessons, Seth may choose to sign up for school sports, and our little church plant is growing. School starts on August 15th, so although we are all excited, it's about to get craaaaazy. 

Here's some pictures of my zany team!

Our school theme is Make Every Moment Count and I made some notebooks for my team.
Yay Cricut! 

And now.... I need to catch up from summer!