Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Looks like a Lump...

But it's really a big step!  Big Man S is sleeping in his own bed!!  In the bedroom he shares with his brother, (insert cheers here) and more importantly, not in our room (cheers get louder)!!!! 

We've been asking S Man for a few weeks now if he wanted to sleep with Lil'O in his bedroom and at first I think he thought we were crazy.  He would say, "No! Scary! My bed, Mama, Ababa!"  Translation:  I sleep in mama and ababa's bedroom and there is no way I would ever sleep in here.  End of discussion.  

A few nights ago he surprised everyone by saying yes, he did in fact want to sleep in the same room as his brother.  The hubs and I flew into action before his mind was changed.  Finding and plugging in the monitor, making sure we had ample breakfast bribes, finding a night light, etc. 

They have done wonderful together, although everyone is a little tired.  S-Man and Lil'O are tired because they stay up late talking:  "Owlie, doing?" "Ehn"  "Owlie, doing?" "Ehn".  Repeat over and over again until one of them falls asleep.  The hubs and I are tired because we haven't used a monitor in months.  Plug in a machine to wake you when others are awake?  No thank you.  Who thought of inventing this torture, anyway?  Although S-Man and "Owlie" have slept well, those kids (maybe all kids??) are loud sleepers.  S-Man did have a bad dream the other night and was calling for mama, and I woke up to find myself repeatedly hitting the monitor, thinking it was an alarm clock.

Anyway, we are so proud of our oldest son and all the ways his trust and confidence continue to grow!   


  1. Woohoo! I was going to text and ask how it was going with S in his own bed. :) Our monitor sits on the kitchen counter for the very reason you mentioned. Our kids snore and we don't sleep well if the monitor is too close. ;)

  2. Great great news!!! What a big boy. I'm sure Owlie is excited to have a new roomie. :)
