Saturday, September 29, 2012

Big Shoes to Fill

Ababa's doing some international travel for the next couple of weeks.  Please pray for wisdom and guidance for himself and his travel buddy. 

Also pray that everyone stays sane on this end.  :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012


My running buddy and I finished our very first 5k!  We did couch to 5K (which says it takes 9 weeks) in the non-traditional route of 6 months. :)  Technically, I think I did a race when I was about 5, but I haven't done much running since then. 

The before:

39 minutes later, the after:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sept. 2011

Look how teeny tiny these kids are!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

SuperMan's dreams are coming true!  Bear wants to ride on his back!
We sing lots around here.  SuperMan took off his shoe the other day.  He said, "Something in my shoe.  There's a bug in my shoe!  Shoe fly, don't bother me!"
Maybe you had to be there.  Maybe I need to learn how to tell a story. 
I got a job!  I'm working a whole 9 hours a week as a reading interventionist.  I'm really excited about it, and the first week has gone better than I even hoped.  Yay!

Monday, September 17, 2012

One Year: Re-cap

This was going to be my attempt at transparent honesty.  But then I stopped working on it after Jen Hatmaker's post.  As I have previously said, she got in my and head and told my story.  And I am thankful for it. 

In a nutshell, here are some sample conversations Jon and I had over the past year regarding our thoughts and the emotional process of our growing family.

From home to 2 ½ months:  "Kids! Can you believe it! This is great!  We need to have more!  Immediately!" 

2 ½ to 3 months home: "Yeah, maybe we should wait to have more kids."

3 to 4 months home: "Everyone cries a lot.  All day.  Do you think the crying and tantrums are getting better? Let’s start keeping daily tallies and then we will know in a couple of weeks if things are improving."

 5 to 6 months home: "The crying did get better!  Now we can even pee or shower in peace!  Can you believe everyone is sleeping in their own bedrooms?  Can you believe we are going to church together?  This feels like a date!"

6 to 7 months home:  "Does that look like ring worm to you?  Here we go again.  Is this the fifth or sixth time he's had that?  Where did that medicine go?"

7 to 9 months home:  "Do you think I should go back to work?  I miss the outside world.  Yeah, I guess I do miss my job the most during the summer months… "

9 to 12 months:  "Did you see what that mom did when her kid did that?  Maybe we should try that.  We're learning!  Can you believe how well the kids did at that restaurant?  I was really impressed."

I don’t think I actually started to process the huge transition that our family went through until we were home 8 or 9 months. And this process had the mood swings of a crazy woman.  Seriously people.  A crazy woman.
Jon reminded me of a quote he had read, “Never compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.” Although my kids are "big", we were/are rookies with an insanely steep learning curve.  That reminder helps take the edge off. 

Thanks to those of you who supported us and prayed for us during this unbelievable year.  Thanks to those of you who were gluttons for punishment and continued to invite us over, or better yet, invite us out in public. Thanks to those who supported from afar by sending encouraging emails and letting me vent for hours on the phone.  Thanks for your love, we are a better family because of it. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Family Day 2012

My Darlings

Okay, cute photo montage is over.  Here's the reality, today was not the picturesque day we had imagined.  Parents out there, is that not how all major milestones actually play out?

We've given up on having two little boys sleep in two little beds in one little room.  Last night there was lots of screaming and crying around 3 am.  SuperMan and Bear are found crawling on the floor next to the basket of stuffed animals with Bear laying on SuperMan's back.  

Everyone sleeps in a tiny bit this morning (7:45!!) but then Bear is up and ready to greet the morning.  (Read: loud yelling while running through the living room.)  SuperMan is woken up, is way mad about not enough sleep, and starts kicking a wall.  Then a door.    

You know it's going to be a long day when your husband gets up around 9, and your kids have already cried multiple times and you tell him that we need to go to church at 11, because we need to get out of the house IMMEDIATELY.  We simply cannot wait for the 5:00 tonight.  No, siree.  Someone might be dead by then. 

We saw some good buds at church, who asked what we had planned for today.  I struggled to answer.  While we have been looking forward to this day for forever, we really didn't plan anything.  Obviously, injera is out.  Obviously any park/restaurant/public place is out, given the amount of sleep-deprived crankiness that is our day.  I lamely mention something about stopping for doughnuts.  She whips out a doughnut coupon and hands it over in a flash.  Our day begins to take shape!  Plans!  Church and doughnuts.  Sounds like a win, win. 

Church is good.  I pick up SuperMan from his class, who is sitting under a table head-butting a yelling kid.  We stop and pick up our dozen krispy kremes and head home.  Doughnuts for lunch, Bear to his new bedroom for nap, and SuperMan to his room for some rest time.  I'll take the mom-of-the-year award now for my creative lunch menus. 

Around 3:00, we get a do-over.  Everyone emerges from their designated nap spot rested with sunny dispositions (that might be a stretch, but compared to the morning, our afternoon seems dripping with optimism).

We play on the swingset and get the grill ready for burgers.  I begin tearing up talking to those two wiley devils that I am pushing on the swings.  We are a family on good days and bad.  When I want to pull out my hair and when my kids are so cute and clever it stuns me. 

Living the dream, I tell you. 


To My Dear Ones

To my Bear,

When I think back on the year, I am amazed at all the ways you have changed and grown.  When you came home at 13 months you couldn't sit up and had zero teeth.  You spent many months in pain as your body caught up and they came in quick succession.  Your record was cutting three teeth in one night. 

Over time you learned that mom and dad were here to stay and their arms were the best for holding you.  Gradually you stopped reaching out to strangers to hold you or pick you up, and sought comfort from family instead. 

People immediately fall in love with you.  With your spunky, sweet personality, toothy smiles, and eye lashes that curl into your eye creases, it is no wonder.  You are determined and a fighter.  You are snuggely.  You love books, garbage trucks, and your brother.  Nothing makes you sqeal with delight more than when your Ababa comes home.  When you fall asleep on my shoulder, I curse time for marching on.

You love exploring new things and asserting your newly found independence.  You love water and could play in a kiddie pool all day, every day.  Music makes you dance.  You have terrible eating habits and a crazy sweet tooth.  This, of course, is most assuredly your mom's fault.  After 12 months of trying my hardest to get you on the growth chart for weight, I've seen you gain a few pounds and ruin your appetite for veggies. 

You are talking, which is making you so very proud.  You love to tease me and fight me every day, twice a day, when it's time to brush your teeth.  Your favorite joke is to answer, "I'm five!" when asked how old you are.  Then you laugh and say, "I'm two!"

To say I love you would be an understatement.  I can't imagine life without you and look forward to all the adventures that lay ahead. 

Love, Mama

To my dear SuperMan,

You came home as a quiet boy, eager to learn and please.  You were also very, very scared.  You immediately latched on to mom and dad, but it was many months before you let your joyful personality and sense of wonder shine. 

Over time you learned about trusting again.  You learned that tickling and wrestling were fun.  You were explicitly taught that holding hands was a way to connect, not a scary way to control.  I was thankful for the day you finally let us pick you up and carry you when you were tired.  I was even more thankful for the day when you finally rested your head on our shoulders and let your guard down.  Gradually you realized it was our job to protect you and you could relax. 

Your imagination blows me away.  Your pretend play has included being a banker, librarian, barber, King Richard the Lion from Robin Hood, the Chick-fil-A cow, and Ababa, not to mention every animal known to man.  I laugh out loud when I think of the times you have come in a room to tell me that you were a flamingo or a sperm whale. 

You are a protector. You get mad at Ababa for teasing me. At times you enjoy pushing your brother's buttons, but have been known to push down other kids who mess with him. You learned English! When people haven't been around you for a week, they are surprised to see you again and hear all your new words. You love to encourage. You sing almost constantly.  Currently your favorite song is "I will rise" by Shawn McDonald.  You love singing "Twinkle Twinkle" to your little brother at nap time. 

To say you are a daddy's boy, may be an understatement.  Last week you got a sucker from the post office and you would not eat it until you could call Ababa and tell him about it.  You talk about Ababa many times during the day and list all of the things you are going to tell him when he gets home.  It is not uncommon for me to see you for only a few short hours on Saturdays because you are so busy following Ababa around, helping him. 

I love you so dearly.  I am so proud of you and all you stand for.  I look forward to seeing your interests grow and develop.  Mostly, I look forward to sharing more life with you. 

Love you always, Mama

Saturday, September 15, 2012


SuperMan is baldy, bald, bald!
And caught a cool gecko today, which was appropriately named "Lizard".


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Lubbock Lake Landmark, Part II

Future actor?  This guy sure hammed it up last weekend pretending all these animals were goring him with their horns or stepping on him.

 Or walking around taking pictures with his pretend camera.  Take note grandparents.... possible Christmas gift idea?  ;)

Someone photoshop an American flag behind this guy, and it will be his go-to photo for his Presidential campaign.  "America: I'll make you better."

 Jon's mad hoisting skills got me up here.  We both cracked up laughing when he caught me on the way back down and he apologized for his loud grunting noise. 

 Making sure his GPS (aka carabiner) was hooked to his belt loop, just like Ababa.

They say that some kind of mammoth elephant lived in this area once upon a time.  I have a hard time believing it. 


While getting ready for our one year family day, I was thinking about making some ET food, and remembered that our friends that we met in Addis gave us a great link for making injera.

Unfortunately, it takes 5 days to get the starter ready, so it doesn't look like it's going to happen in time for us to celebrate.  Mostly, I just wanted to put the recipe on the blog, so I can find it easily next time! 

I still have plans to make it soon, and will post pics when we do!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Apple Butter Festival

Bounce House!
Our Lion.


Best quote of the day came from SuperMan after eating potato salad.  "I no like dis.  It tasting too different."

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A little of this, a little of that

This post going to be full of all kinds of randomness. (In case you couldn't tell by the title.)

Boom.  Just like that, I'm 29.  Did I tell you that my sweet husband planned a surprise party for me?  I had no idea, despite chiding him when we went out to dinner, "Why are you on your phone so much?  Are you planning my surprise party?"

I later asked him if he planned it before or after I cried one night about how there are 4 birthdays in our house, and one person plans for 3 of them, and no one really plans for the 4th person.  I know, woe is me.  He gets credit for: "it crossed my mind before that night". 

Anyway, now I am grown up.  Like, for reals grown up.  I drive a mini-van, people.  And am fast approaching 30. 

Late August bdays.  Ain't nothin better.
Not my finest hour, but a great celebration all the same.  Let's move on. 
I like to think I am above advertising and commercials.  Can anyone else out there relate with me on that?  Sometimes I feel so mighty by avoiding the sin of coveting, that I slip right on into pride.  This of course is not true, though, as I often feel like I am the only person on the planet who doesn't have an iphone.  Ridiculous, right?  Anyway, I wished I had one the other day so I could have some pictures to document our recent park story.  I could always attempt to draw them, crappypictures style, but that's not going to happen either. 
SuperMan, Bear, and I walked to the park last Monday, and oh happy day, the sprinklers were on!  This of course is enormously entertaining for all of us, and soon the boys are pretty wet.  SuperMan was drawn to a puddle, one foot by one and a half, which was there because that particular sprinkler is broken.  Water is just pooling up in the puddle before pouring down to the pond, 4 yards away.   
SuperMan starts asking if he can jump in it.  I say no, because we don't know how deep it is.  While those words are barely out of my mouth, Bear moves like a speeding rocket right toward the puddle and steps directly in.  His eyes are as big as baseballs as he falls right in with the water up to his chin.  I kid you not.  He is standing straight up and has fallen into a hole the exact size of him.  I am surprised, find it amusing (because it didn't go over his head after all), and pull him out.  Bear immediately says, "again! again!" trying to get back in.  

 Later, Jon comes home from work and Bear tells him, "I tim! Bubble!" Translation:  I swim!  Puddle!

SuperMan, however, is deeply disturbed.  No one has told him that the world will try to swallow you.  We talk about it for hours.  We talk about it for days, going back to check for a week straight.  We find long sticks, so we can poke at it when we go back to check on it.  According to our stick calculations, had Bear stepped a little to the left, the water would have been up to his forehead.
I feel like I should be able to wrap up this story with a profound life lesson or something, but really I just want to remember a hilarious morning.     
Now time for some pictues.  Here's one of SuperMan.  Should the caption be about the last swim of the season or about another stylin' Saturday?  You decide. 
Here's some of us going to celebrate good ol' Buddy Holly's birthday.  Someday I would love to get an awesome picture of my kids on these glasses, but SuperMan told me it was too sunny to open his eyes, so that day will have to wait. 

SuperMan: "My favorite!  There's my favorite mama!"

Crafts at the Buddy Holly Center
And finally, my boys.  Who are over their beds, but are best friends when it comes to sleeping on their bellies.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Stylin' Saturday

I saw this on another blog and it made me laugh so hard.  Posts for when you just wish you could pull off what your kids wear, or at least match their feelings of supreme confidence in apparel choice.

"These be tall, so they can be my boots."

Tuesday, September 4, 2012