Saturday, August 23, 2014

Summer Wrap Up: Part 2

Yelly Bean has been a good little sleeper. 
And a dang good eater!  She eats around 24 ounces a day with an all time record of 27.5 ounces in one day!  Watch out Ollie and Jacky, Nayeli holds the Motsinger record of the best eating baby.  She's 25 days old and has grown out of these pajamas.  Size NB did not last long with this one.
The boys and I made some playdough.  We haven't done this in a good long while, and had so much fun with it. 
Strawberry hands Yelly.  
Seth also conquered the monkey bars in the last few weeks!
And of course we have swam,
and swam,
and acted like lizards when the water was too cold.
This one still lives for the diving board.
And this one had her first day ever lounging at the pool.
Seth had Meet the Teacher Night two evenings ago and this was his prediction of what he and his teacher would look like. Seth is the shorty with the backpack.    
His teacher was so great and I am so thankful.  She was experienced, had the evening set up perfectly, and having this lego-pit thing didn't hurt in Seth's eyes.  I think we are going to absolutely love her and Kindergarten.  We've got a great year ahead of us! 
Our summer wrap up has also included TV.  Too much TV. 
And geocaching.  Not enough geocaching.  (Right, Jon?)
We went to a geocache event at an ol' time Ice Cream Shoppe, and Ollie was so darling because he just wanted a chocolate waffle cone, no ice cream.  It was one of those times when he cracked up all the adults around him and was not quite sure why.
Throw in a few bounce houses, and that pretty much brings us up to now.
Summer, you've been great, but we are ready to jump into fall!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your summer wrap up(s)/photos! Glad Yelly is a good water and sleeper. Love your two lizards. That Lego put is neato. And yay for fall coming!
