Monday, October 20, 2014

This weekend has been no fun at all.  I caught a cold.  The good news: so far it seems as if I'm the only one who has been sick.  The bad news: my teeth feel like they will rot out of my head.  Cough drops have been a huge necessity, albeit sipping 7-up throughout the day has felt like more of a luxury.  The only way to get back to sleep after waking up coughing my head off has been a cough drop, and in the morning I'm pretty sure my teeth resent me for it. 

Someone else right now has decided that the only way to get back to sleep is... well I'm not sure yet.  So far I've tried swaddling, white noise machine, and now the swing.  I'm hoping that all three will lull Ash back to dream land momentarily.  Baby Peanut is growing!  She currently has two little sleepers that fit, one rather goofy looking (the cow outfit), and the other I'd say is borderline hideous.  (mustard yellow, ruffles everywhere, including around her neck, polka dots) Not much to be done though, she has grown out of all her preemie clothes, except these two outfits and newborn clothes still dwarf her.  Last Friday she had a weight check and she had been with us 21 days and had gained 25 ounces, tipping the scales at 6lbs, 4 ounces. 

Being a preemie is hard work!  Even though she is just shy of two months old, she is still seems so unsure of everything.  Feedings are inconsistent, being awake is sometimes just too much for her little brain to process, her pacifier is sometimes friend, sometimes foe.  But, she is gaining and slowly but surely getting everything else figured out. 

Our best guess is that she will be with us for about one more month.  The plan is for her to join her big brother, who is already with a family in the process of adoption. 

Ollie and I (and Ash) have been going to BSF this year.  Being four is such a great age for learning and sharing!  I love hearing what Ollie is learning about and his take on the lesson.  It's a study on the life of Moses, and Ollie comes home and tells me about the Is-will-whites and how Pharaoh is pwobably wike Dark Vadaw.  Or I hear him playing in his room and getting all his ninja turtles and super heros assigned to their roles, "but whose gonna be Pharaoh?"   

I also signed Ollie up for a tumbling class, which starts tomorrow,  (Ash, fall back asleep soon, we've got a busy Monday ahead of us!) and he has been so excited and nervous!  Currently he says he won't do the class unless I do all of it with him too.  "No, I don't want you to watch, you have to do it too!"  I think he will have a blast once we get there.

Seth is becoming something of a little artist!  Pearl turned us on to a website, and it's been the cherry on top for him.  (Thanks Pearl!!!!) His old standby is TMNT, which I would guess he draws at least daily. 

He's also been listening to lots of seeds and his current favorite is Matt 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, bad guys-ing them in the name of the Father and of the Son".  Ahh.  Makes me laugh.  :)

Okay, I've still got an awake baby on my hands, but my tired brain is out of anecdotes.  I'm headed to Hulu!


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