Friday, May 22, 2015

A Wild Boy

We are doing respite for another foster family and have had a couple extra girls with us for the week. 

They are sweet, sweet girls.  They want to spend time coloring, reading, helping cook, and generally lounging around.  They do not want to climb on anything, jump from anything, or spit, or pee anywhere non-traditional.  Parents who have young boys, breathe deep. 

The first day they were here, DD, the older second grader, was getting names and ages straight.  After all the introductions were made she looked confused.  Then to clarify, she said to Seth, "Wait.  You are the six and a half year old?  I thought he was the six and a half year old (pointing to Ollie).  And I thought you were the four and a half year old (pointing back to Seth).  You know, because he (again pointing to Ollie) is so calm, and you (back at Seth) are so loud and wild." 

There was silence as we all took this in.

I really wasn't sure how this comment from a "big kid" was going to go over.  But, I shouldn't have worried.  Seth puffed out his chest and said, "My favorite show is Wild Kratts.  That means I am a Wild Boy."  End of discussion.

It was really the perfect answer.  I felt so proud of him (rather than my normal exasperated).  He wasn't going to let someone hurt his feelings, rather he was going to defend the person he was.  He took something that could have been an insult and owned it as a strength.  He is thick-skinned.  He has a positive view of himself.  He brought something negative into a new light.  I love all these things about him. 

Later, when it was just me and Seth, he said, "Mom, I'm sorry for being so wild today."  It was a sweet moment.  I told him that I was proud of him, loved him, and accepted his apology.  It was clear that he had done a little reflecting of his own over DD's comment.  And really he wasn't even that wild.  Pretty par day when you are a Wild Boy. 



  1. Seth, you are awesome. What a creative response ... And then the pondering! And Joy, you are such a good mama. Can't wait to see you both soon.

  2. It's nice that my nephews get their ninja moves from their aunt. :)
