Wednesday, August 26, 2015


Some things about Ollie at age five:
Pronounces animal as "am-uh-lull"
Is extremely cautious starting new activities
Loves action figures and cars and can entertain himself for hours playing with them
Is shy around new people, but talks the ear off anyone he knows well
Loves to laugh, can easily crack himself up
Still loves his two favorite food groups, pancakes and pizza
Favorite color is still green
Loves to play match
Really wanted a "Set Up" for his birthday.  When prodded further as to what a Set Up was, he wasn't quite sure himself.  Him:  "You know, like the Wii is a set up.  Or a big castle would have to be set up."  Me: "Oh, so like anything you have to set up is a Set Up?"  Him (exasperated):  "YES!!!"

About once or twice a week, Ollie starts a conversation by saying, "Can I tell you about my big brothers?" or "Do you want to hear about my imaginary big boys?", or  something along those lines.  Then he proceeds to tell you all about the big boys in his life, to which he readily admits are pretend.  Seth:  "Have I ever met them?"  Ollie:  "No!  They are imaginary!  But listen, the biggest one just....."  Seth, a frank and literal child, wants to know more concrete specifics.  "Are you their dad?"  Ollie:  "No!  Of course not!  I just watch over them."  (Darling.  Be still my heart.)  The names, ages, and number of big brothers is constantly changing, but they do seem awfully accident prone as quite a few of the stories revolve around trips to the hospital and various broken bones. 

Ollie was beside himself with birthday anticipation this (every) year.  Some of his gifts arrived a few days early (weigh in here people, do you let them open bday packages from the mail immediately or save them until the big day??) and we had a pile growing for him.  Well, it was too much for him.  After a few, "oops mom, we might need more tape on this one" and general laying on them with, "I just can't wait!!!" I put all the presents in the closet and told him they needed privacy because they were about to have babies and make more presents. 
Ollie:  Really?  Is that for real mom?
Me: No.  Not for real.  But, it is for real that I put them all away.  And it is for real that when we get them back out on your birthday there will be more.
Ollie:  stunned silence.  general look of awe on his face
Ollie (three hours later):  Mom, I just really want to see the babies. 
Me:  What babies?
Ollie: The babies.  I want to see them grow up into my presents. 

Do I even need to tell you that Jon and I were dying? 

And without further ado, some pictures of our big five-year-old. 

breakfast of a birthday champion
Ollie helped me make his cake.  He was a good m&m placer/eater.


Family pictures of us don't get much better than this. 
Unless you count this one.
We love you to the moon and back, Ollie!  Can't even believe you are already five!


  1. This post is the best! I LOVE the presents having babies conversation, ha!! My two cents: I grew up with my mom hoarding bday mail till my big day, but I was unawares, so it mattered not. Lucy's most recent bday I opened things as they came, and for any bday packages/cards I get, I open as they come. So my cents are conflicted, because I like a special day and I like drawing bdays out. I think I would lean toward what you did, though, once Lu is cognizant of such things.

  2. He sounds like a fun little guy! (My kids both chose Krispy Kreme on their birthdays too.) We always open them as they come--not sure the wisdom in this, but it's fun and since I don't do a lot of present-wrapping (or re-wrapping), it works.
