Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Twas the Week Before Christmas...

and all through the house the children were bored and RSV was spread down to even the littlest mouse. 
I think I like the original version better. 
We've been sickies.  Of course poor Poley Pie was hit the hardest, but Ollie, Seth, and I have also shared in the fun.  Unfortunately, it seems Mimi's on deck.  RSV messes with your brain because your babe gets sick, so you take him to the doctor.  Then over the next three days your babe gets so much sicker with every passing day, so you take him back to the doctor.  Then you think, 'if he gets any sicker tomorrow, he's gonna end up in the hospital'. And then, just like that, he turns a corner and is so, so much better.  Turns out with RSV, you are sickest days 3-5.  That has definitely been true for Noey, me, and Ollie.
A sampling of sickies.  Live vicariously through us and leave it far, far from your house.   
RSV led to double ear infections for Ollie. 
Seth hasn't been hit too hard, but I still found him asleep in his room yesterday.  Rare.  I blame germs.
Anyway, let's move on to other happenings.  Like Ollie's Christmas party! 
Look at Ollie's face!
Ecstatic because he got a Superman book during the book exchange!  Poor Matao sobbed when he opened a princess book, but then Presley swooped in, all to happy to trade for those glittery princesses.

Ollie and Kayleigh, buds.
At home, we've been....
picking up pecans,
reading lots of books,
(I think this is so cute, only Noey is looking at the camera smiling!)
and getting in lots of snuggles.  (This of course is probably how we all ended up with RSV...)
We also made gingerbread houses.


Gingerbread Village
Poley Pie has also been putting in some steps.
Seth made his newest invention, the smell enhancer.  
We've had cookies and milk and tried to keep up with our advent readings.
And done some Christmasy type crafts.
These two boys.  Both can't wait until mom gives the all clear for general horse play.
It's a'coming!

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