Friday, May 5, 2017

Field Trip!

  It's May, people! Hard to believe.  Time for some field trips and end of year fun!
Castaneda's kinder cuties!
Cameron, Ollie, Jonathan, Cole, and Zach
Watching the big reals of film at the Omni theatre at the Science Spectrum. 
Almost show time! 
Nolan sat on my lap for a whole 30 minutes.  I was impressed!  (And dizzy.)  Then we headed to the top of the theatre to walk around in the stroller for the last 30 minutes.  Turns out sitting at the top you don't get quite so dizzy.   
Jonathan, Ollie, Caden, and Harper waiting for the bus to take them to the park. 
Ollie has had the best kinder experience with such an awesome teacher and fun group of kiddos.  Bittersweet to see it wrap up!

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