Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Hulk + Hulk's Birthday

Nolan, we couldn't love you more! You delight our lives everyday. 
Happy, happy birthday!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

M&M Tejas Time

Working hard to fulfill our pecan pie hankering.

Mimi vs. Seth! 

Celebrating at Faith's 5th birthday party 

Snuggle up! 

Visiting the Windmill Museum

Cancun! (Not the vacay destination. Boo) 

Adventuring with Momo 

Showing off our rock climbing skills.

Miss you already M&M! Until next time!

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Ain't no Party like a February Party

Momo and Mimi are here! We got to celebrate both Momo and Nolan's birthdays, plus M&M's 40th anniversary!

We started by celebrating our youngest and oldest boys. (Don't worry Momo, at least you are not as old as you will be next year.)

Nolan and Momo opening a gift together.  

Yay! Costumes of our favorite superheros! 

Hulk and Popeye!

Friday, February 7, 2020


We drove up to Denver this past weekend to visit our college buddies JP & co. We have gotten old and have been friends for 20 years! Man. Two decades. Both our kids and theirs ask if we are friends or cousins. Love it!  

They had play practice and wouldn't be home until later, so we stopped at Spaghetti Factory for dinner. It was a huge hit. Ollie was over the moon with how super fancy he declared it to be, while Seth got shrimp (his most fav food), and Nolan's lemonade came with cotton candy. Jon and I also enjoyed ourselves, as it was not that long ago that we couldn't ever imagine being about to eat out with our motley crew. 

When we got there our kids got along excellently, which hasn't always been the case. Nolan can play with any age kid, so with all those big brothers and new closets to rummage through, he did great. Luke and Seth got on surprisingly well, and Jubal and Ollie talked football then took breaks to throw the football. Foy sat in my lap or within 12 inches of me most of the time and I loved it. Gretel did her own thing and held up surprising well for the only girl with six boys. 

Things that made me laugh: 
Luke: Well Gretel, this is Nolan. Now you've met him, you have to fall in love and get married. 
(A day later) Jubal: I thought Nolan and Gretel would be best friends, but I guess they are mortal enemies. 
Pearl: Yeah, Gretsy doesn't really go out of her way to bless anyone.

Foy has the kindest, most gentle spirit. I haven't been around him as a kid before, only as a baby or toddler and I was seriously impressed with what a sweet kid he is. 

Gretel, Foy, Pearl, and I went for a run to Maria Empanda and a danish bakery. Yum!

Gretel made sure Jon felt welcome and cozy. 

Jubal and Luke are both great musicians. I know Luke drives Jubal crazy to no end with his singing, but I think it's so fantastic. He has a great voice and enjoys narrating his day through song. Ha!

The boys were in a play while we were there loosely based on Robinson Crusoe. It was really well done and enjoyable to watch. 

Foy was the cutest little chameleon of the pack.

Jubal and Luke were both apart of the frowny face gang, a notoriously grumpy and loud-haired crew. Luke was suppppper into it; Jubal would have rather been a stage hand. 

Back stage with our stars!

That night Josh and Sutton came up from BV to hang out and spend the night! Yay! We haven't seen them since their wedding, so we were super glad to hang out for a day or two. 

Park time in the unseasonably warm weather!

And of course.... Super bowl! Can you even believe the Chiefs came back and won in the last 7ish minutes?? 
These were our expressions during the more tense moments....

Pearl's Chiefs-cake was amazing. 

And Gretel during the game. 

The next morning it was time to head home! Nolan's driving!