Wednesday, June 12, 2024

First Day at Sea & Key West

Goodbye Galveston!

Here is Cruise Director, Andy. He quickly became one of our favorite people and was easily the most funny person or show on the trip. 

A entire cruise ship to explore, including all the types of food you can imagine, pools, water slides, hot tubs, friends, games, shows, and an arcade and Nolan would have been happy to spend 5 hours a day on the mini golf course. 

My first round included a whopping 3 holes in 1! From then on, we just played the round and the winner was whomever got the most holes in 1. The wind and gentle rock of the boat could be extremely helpful or the reason we missed any of our shots. 

Let the duck hunting begin! We learned that people hide and find ducks on cruises and brought a few of our own that I had 3d printed at school. Both boys ended up with over 20 ducks. I need a picture of our final haul, but here are the first couple we found. 

How much ice cream can one eat in a week? Let's find out!

First Port Stop: Key West!
Time for our bike tour!

6 miles!

First stop on the bike tour.... the beach! 

Lots of pretty scenery

We stopped at parks, piers, and all kinds of places. 

Southern most point of the continental United States. 90ish miles to Cuba!

The Carnival Dream

Our bike tour ended at the best little shop you ever did find. 

From there we walked down to the harbor. 

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