Saturday, September 7, 2024

Happy Halfie to Noey

This kid has grown up so much recently! He brings so much energy and joy to our lives, happy halfie to our little buddy!


Friday, September 6, 2024

Back to School

 Nolan, Age 8, 3rd Grade
Mrs. Glasgow's Class

Ollie, Age 13 (in this picture, now he is 14!!), 8th grade

Seth, Age 15 (16 in a month!), Sophomore

And it's my 4th year of teaching elementary technology! Apparently I missed out on the first day pic. ;)

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Nolan, Eli, and Ada's day at the Thinkery before school started.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Raised in Christ

What a sweet day! Seth had been thinking about getting baptized for a while and decided it was time. He took his decision very seriously, weighing the cost. He has been so motivated to learn about the Bible and Jesus and share with us. Its been an exciting time for him! We love you so much Seth! 


Monday, September 2, 2024

Home Sweet Home!

 August rolled around and it was back to work for me, so Jon took off a day or two and took the boys to one of his favorite places on earth- Missouri! 

Grandma teaching Nolan the ways of prepping garden food for the dinner. 
Nolan came home very excited to show me how to peel (shuck) corn. 

Every one was super excited to have Gma's famous meatballs. 

Lots of cousin time and outside time. This year the weather was even super nice, which is such a blessing for Missouri in August. 

One day when I called to face time, Ollie was busy setting up for musical chairs. It makes me glad to have the kids disconnect from screen time to play classic games with each other. 

We love you grandma and grandpa! Thanks for raising the best man I know!