Lessons learned and highlights from the first trip (as a family of four) to visit Grandpa and Grandma's farm.
- Don't weigh yourself when you get home. Grandma is an excellent cook.
- Oklahoma sucks. This was especially highlighted by our book on CD, The Innocent Man by Grisham. We haven't finished yet, but I recommend.
- G & G have a surprising amount of toys tucked away. Sethers and Ol were in heaven with all the cars, tractors, and dump trucks.
- Aunt Joy and Uncle BJ are lots of fun. You don't even have to be under the age of 5 to realize that.
- For the most part, our kids are good travelers. Some new toys and a portable dvd player to be pulled out at key times is crucial.
- Even when your kids are awesome travelers, riding for 12+ hours in the car will give you a headache. Guaranteed.
- Jon's parents have huge, bountiful gardens. Sethers loved talking about G & G working in their garden and playing in one of his own. His garden consisted of him raking a thin layer of dirt over the sidewalk from a hole dug in the yard. He was very, very proud of his "lettuce".
- Ol strung his first words together, "uh-oh, shoe off".
- Our boys did a great job of adjusting to new people and situations. We were very proud.
- When you are three, little dogs are great fun and big ones are scary.
- When you are one (or maybe you just have a dare devil personality) you like to provoke big dogs and like to stick your fingers in the eyes of little dogs.
- It's fun to shout every time you see Grandpa's tractor.
- It's tiring to be on vacation and everyone needs lots of naps.
Cool memories!