Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

My first Mother's day was super sweet.
My weekend started off with a beautiful delivery,

a fun BBQ (which had nothing to do with mother's day, but was a blast), some sweet cards, and tickets for a cruise from Jon. 
I kid.

From what I gather, the conversation about Mother's Day with S-Man went something like this:

Jon: "Mother's Day is coming.  Can you think of something special that Mama would really like?"
S-Man: "ummm, maybe oatmeal."
"No, not oatmeal.  I don't think mama even likes oatmeal.  Let's think of something else.  Something that mama would really, really like."
"yeah, oatmeal."
"Okay...  What about if we think of two things that are special to mama.  Oatmeal and what else?"
"maybe brown sugar."

Yea for these boys who made me a mother!


  1. Yea indeed.... Glad we shared the journey....enjoy your day and the oatmeal too :)

  2. And what an awesome one you are! Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Yay, Happy Mother's Day, friend! That is an adorable photo of you and your sons. :)

  4. Oh happy day!! You're a wonderful mother. Some day S-man will read this and know just how hilarious he is.

  5. Happy First Mother's Day (a day late)!
