Wednesday, July 17, 2024

4th of July


Woah! This is my only picture from the 4th! 

We all walked over to the amphitheater around 7pm when it was a balmy 96 degrees. Sigh. Texas summer. 10 minutes later, Seth made me chuckle by saying, "You know what? This is not as actually as fun as I thought. It's hot and all people are doing is talking. I am going to walk home." I'm right there with ya, bud! Who wants to just sit out in the heat?? 

Anyway, I braved it out and we did watch a lovely firework show. It seemed bigger and grander than usual, but who knows. When the sun finally went down, it was actually quite pleasant. We walked back home after it was over and our neighbor, Jaime, had a ton to light off. Since we have the alley and field behind our house, we usually light them behind our house rather than his. I decided to stay in since I was already pretty sweaty and Jon and the boys went out to have fun. Nolan ran back in about 10 minutes later shouting, "Mom!! Mom! The police are here! Did you know it was illegal to light fireworks?" I sheepishly answered, "well, yes, I did know that." Nolan, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US???" Jon got a warning and I got a big laugh out of Nolan. He can be such a little firecracker himself, but wouldn't ya know it, I think he is turning into a rule-follower. All and all, a fun 4th! 

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