Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Summer Stuffs

 I took Seth, Nolan, Ollie, and Ollie's buddy Kevin to a ninja gym the other day. They are pretty impressive little gymnasts. 

New dishwasher and MVP husband for the 20th year running..... Jon!

Zach and Jennifer were in town for a few short nights. Dinner out at Jack Allen's did not disappoint!

Camp Invention! 
I worked this past week as a teacher/counselor at Camp Invention and Nolan attended. It was a great week. Robotics, experiments, making a light-box and playing with glow items, building and making pro-types, Camp Invention has it all! It made me really nostalgic as well, because although I had never worked it as a teacher before, Seth always went as an elementary student in Lubbock and it was always a major highlight of the summer for him. I'm glad Nolan is happy to tinker and learn as well.

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