Friday, July 5, 2024


We got to fly to Minneapolis a week or so ago and spend some time with our favorite Minnesotans! Momo and Mimi also came over from Montana on the train. It was so lovely to see everyone!

 Here we are on the shuttle from the parking lot to the airport. I feel the need to include these pictures, because we will never be this bright-eyed and bushy-tailed again on this trip.

We went through security easy-peasy and boarded soon after. However, after sitting for an hour, we were told our plane wasn't going to be able to fly and we all had to get off. 

Nolan was taking pictures of this robot-guy to pass the time...

and he got this perfect picture of me the moment I saw on my watch that our flight was delayed. Again.

We did finally re-board a new plane and this picture was taken at... 1am? 2am? Who even knows at this point. 

But we made it and got to see all of these lovies the next morning!

Nolan was sick the entire trip though! Poor buddy. He is the type of kid to run a fever for 2ish days, but he had a fever for the entire 7 day trip. Such a bummer! Emmy was there to take care of him though. 

Here is Emmy sporting an Army jacket that used to Momo's when he was a little boy. Momo got it from his big brother, Gary, when Gary was in the Army. Eli & myself, then Seth, Ollie, Nolan, and now Emmy have all had this jacket in the dress-up collection. 

Grilled hot dogs for dinner. Delish!

Smore night!

Lookie who caught a Toad with some cous-ey help.

Jon and Nolan pounding in some nails that were sticking out of the wood walkway. The supervisor was impressed.

That first night Momo, Eli, Jon, Ollie, Nolan, and I had tickets to go see Austin FC play against Minnesota United, but Nolan and I stayed home. 

I think the rest of the crew had a great time! 

All of Ollie's dreams came true when he got FIVE (!!!) players to sign his kit!

Thanks Uncle Eli for the tickets! I doubt Jon and Ollie will ever forget this game.

More pictures tomorrow as we load up and head to the North Shore for our next adventure. 

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