Sunday, July 14, 2024

Lake Superior

Road trip! Time to head to the North Shore!

Moose Lake stop along the way

A Lefse food truck parked along side the road in Moose Lake? Yes, please! Have you ever seen such a thing!?? They had all these interesting panini-style lefse sandwiches and so many good lefse desserts (strawberery shortcake lefse, smore lefse, lemon cream lefse, etc.) that we had never even thought of making. I had to order one of each kind, and it did not disappoint. Soooo delicious! The lady that owned the truck knew just where Wolf Point, MT was and lived in another small town just down the road. It was so fun chatting with her. 

 Lake Superior! 

Scenic Overlook

The dome house! Eli rented this airbnb for us all, and it was so beautiful! Lots of great windows to see the lake and all the scenery. Unfortunately the basement was completely flooded when we got there, which meant all the Mots slept on the top floor right under all those gorgeous windows (less gorgeous at 4:30am when the sun started coming up-ha!) Nolan was still coughing up a storm all night, so we were really short on sleep.

Emmy loved playing up in the loft. So sweet when someone would shout, "Hi Auntie Joy!"

Short hike and geocaching in the Lutsen Mountains.

No bugs for Alexa!


Gondola and Ski Lift at Lutsen Mountain

Obligatory local ice cream shop. 
Only disappointment was the matcha, although Auntie Alexa would disagree. 

More playing in the water

Poor Emmy! This picture was taken 10 seconds before she lost her footing and went down. (The water was a brisk 46 degrees. Brrrrr!) Eli was standing within arms reach and had her out immediately, but she was so upset that the water got in her eyes.

Then she immediately started to say how cold she was as Eli hustled her to the bathtub. Later she asked him, "Daddy, did you come running when I was sinking?" Awwwww.... yes sweetpea. No one would let you sink. 

And finally, the cutest picture of the trip. :)

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