Sunday, April 28, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

Quote of the Week

Superman (sweet, admiring tone):  Mimi, your skin looks just like pizza dough. 

And on that note, hope your weekend is full of laughter!


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day!

Hey girl...

Okay, I didn't actually remember that it was Earth Day until our friendly High-School Science teacher came over for dinner sporting an Earth Day shirt, but we did play outside a lot today!

What Our Family Would Look Like If We Had A Dog

This post will probably be deleted before two young boys get a little older and use this picture as ammunition in the lets get a dog campaign. 

Awesome picture by Awesome Aunt Joyce

Sunday, April 21, 2013


"You picka my up, pease?" The most often heard Bearism, and one of my favorites!  Snuggle time!

"What you do-nen?"  Full disclosure, Bear now can say "doing".  Thus the prompt to write some of these things down before they are gone forever!

"Peese get in it?"  This one cracks me up, because most often Bear is asking to get in a fire truck or a train from a book we are reading.  After I tell him to get in it, he pushes his head or some other part of his body into the book and makes the siren or train sound effect. 

"What dis is?" 2-year-old grammar.  Got to love it.

"I nee pwy-ba-cy."  Bear is convinced he can go to the bathroom 100% independently.  Why on earth would he need a grown-up to help?

"That's the biggest ______ eber!"  Fill in the blank with crash, truck, pancake, whatever catches his eye.

"A big boom crash?  A big boom crash pease?"  This is Bear's way of asking if he can knock something over.

"Hey, dat aweshome, mama." :)

"Big loud?"  This one refers to a toilet flushing.  Loud noises are about the only thing that scare Bear right now and automatically flushing toilets near the top of his fear factor list.  That and automatic hand dryers.  Rule of thumb: go to the bathroom before leaving the house, because public bathrooms are pretty much a terrifying situation.

Bear switches around eyes and ears, see and hear.  When we are sitting at the table eating breakfast, Bear hears some birds outside and says, "I see dat biwd." or "I see dat siwen." After turning on the light in the morning he says, "That too bwight!  Too bwight my ears."

"I dweam about cow, no I dweam about howse."  Every morning I ask the boys if they had any dreams.  Every morning, Bear tells me about a cow.  This morning he mixed it up, though, and changed it to a horse. 

"dge-mmm-dge, Jesus, Amen!"  Bear's infamous 1.8 second prayer.  Quick mumbling, and a loud Jesus Amen!

I have the most darling 2 year old ever.   

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Catching Up...

Let's catch up real quick before I'm off to bed.
  • Great Aunt Joyce was here and a great time was had by all. (Superlative meant to indicate awesomeness, not age.)  I'm happy to report that the 5 and under crowd did not lose their heads. 
  • We got to see Kristy's play A Trip to Bountiful, and it was much more poignant and emotional than I had expected.  Jessie Mae and Mother Watts' relationship does not bode well for the planning of a multi-generational compound, however. 
  • Bear can laugh so, so hard.  I need to try and record it.  He literally slaps his knees.  I hope he laughs like this forever.
  • Superman had a recent re-eval at OT and has met all of his short term goals!  We are backing down to once and week and will do another re-eval in 3 months.
  • Jon is currently in Austin and got bat guano on him this evening.  Of course he is pumped. 
  • And I, dear reader, am losing my mind.  We had a big Ethiopian meal with friends on Saturday night, and I was boiling some eggs for our Doro Wat.  Jon and I went to watch Hulu in our bedroom after putting the kids to bed and I completely forgot about them.  Almost 2 HOURS later we started to hear popping sounds and smelled something funky.  Although I knew it was completely implausible, my best guess was that someone broke into our house and was cooking with vinegar.  The eggs didn't even cross my mind until we went out in the kitchen to investigate.  Like I said, pretty sure I'm losing my mind.  Please tell me this can be blamed on my kids. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I feel the need to tell you that it was 90 on Monday. 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Easter Weekend Recap

Okay, I think I'm back from my break. 
Here's the truth.  I don't love blogging when my kids are driving me bonkers.  I ain't no wordsmith and I don't like re-living bad days.  I have a terrible time writing something that conveys honest living without being over the top whiney. 
So now you know my big secret.  I'm in no mood to blog when my kids have kicked the crazy into high gear.  Do me a favor, if you happen to be the attentive-type and notice there have been no new posts for a week, say a quick prayer, because we are probably all in time-out over here. 
Or we are doing some kind of traveling.  In that case, say a long prayer. 
Uncle Josh came for Easter and it was lovely, except for the fact that everyone under 5 lost their heads.  Bear learned the power of an attitude approximately 10 days ago and spent the weekend alternating between throwing food at the table, yelling "NOO!!  I NO WANT IT! I NO WANT IT!" and wailing his head off.  
Superman also went nuts, but in a more deceptive way.  He spends all his time saying, "Ababa, I love you.  I want to be just like you."  See, deceptive, right?  This sounds so cute and endearing.  If Jon starts talking, Superman tries to say the exact same words at the exact same time.  All day.  If Jon is carrying something/standing somewhere/doing anything, Superman jumps in to stand right on top of Jon.  
J:  "Hey, buddy.  Please don't stand on me."
S:  "I just love you so much.  I want to stand just like you."
J:  "That's fine, just don't stand on me."
S:  "But this is where you are standing and I want to be just like you."
And around and around it goes. 
Jon and I spent the weekend exchanging exasperated glances, shrugging our shoulders, hands up. 
"Is it a full moon?"
"Maybe he's got another molar coming in?"
"Maybe he was too excited to sleep well."
But that remains a mystery for the ages.  There is no figuring those two jelly beans out. 
Now time for the good news.  The tomb is still empty.  Death has been swallowed up in victory. (1 Cor 15:54b)  Everything pales in comparison.  In fact, let's celebrate Easter again today.  And everyday.   
And now time for cute pictures.  In good conscience I couldn't post these until I posted the back story. 
Easter Eggs dyed with food coloring in shaving cream that you saw everywhere on pinterest and fb.  Verdict:  Pros-Lots of fun, good sensory activity, not any messier than normal egg dying.  Cons-eggs did not come out very colorful and were at their most beautiful before the shaving cream was washed off. 

Egg hunt!  Bear could not be bothered to stop and pick up any eggs once he realized there was candy hiding in them. 


Canoe trip time! 

Island Geocache

I love this cute little sailor.  Even when he is chucking a pbj or wailing his head off due to full moons or molars.  :)

Saturday, April 6, 2013