Thursday, February 3, 2022

Limping Along

Our poor little corner of the world continues to limp on. The omicron variant has spread like wildfire through the schools. Jon, Ollie, and Seth ended up all getting it at the same time, but had extremely mild symptoms. I doubt we would have even tested them except for we knew we had extended exposure. Nolan was the one with the cough (which also prompted the family testing), and he tested negative multiple times throughout it all. I had to test for work for about 3 weeks which was super annoying as I had to report to a testing site off our campus at 6:25am Mon/Wed/Fri. 

We've had numerous teachers out at work (I'm sure every district/company/business has) and everyone is feeling the strain with covering extra classes or having extra kids as there simply are not enough subs. Our district closed for a couple days after MLK because we just didn't have enough staff to operate. 

This past week has been much better with almost a full staff, but now we are in the middle of another closure because of winter weather. School is closed Thursday and Friday with a deluge of rain/freezing rain and slick conditions. Seth's covid quarantine was finally over and was set to return to school today annnnd now we are closed for ice. Seth is a major introvert however, and is happy. Ollie has only been back at school for three days and is now home again. I'm feeling for him as 5th grade had a week long field trip to a local military base for STEM experiments and now of course the final days are cancelled. 

Ollie at Starbase at Camp Mabry

Nolan's class with the APEX fundraiser crew at HES. 

Nolan's Fun Run


(We kept Nolan home a few days, sure he was the next to get it, but nope!)

The puppies have been enjoying the extra people around I'm sure.

I've finally started making things on my cricket! So fun!! 

The poor 100th day of school has had to be re-scheduled 3 times.

We had some dress up days at school lately.
Nolan's class on career day

Superhero day! Me and Olivia, another staff kiddo.

And of course, the Chiefs broke our hearts.

February has had a rough start, but at least we made it through January!
I just re-read through this and saw zero pictures of Seth. Here's a fun fact for ya: I took him for a check up yesterday at the doc and he is 5'6.