Wednesday, January 29, 2014


This girl has the most amazing hair I've ever seen on a tiny body.  The pictures don't really do it justice, and it is full of gobs of conditioner, but it is so beautiful.  Nevaeh is not yet two years old and her ponytail would be thicker than mine when I had long hair.  Until things get a little calmer around here (ha!), my plan is just to put it in easy protective styles and change them out every few days.

Between her curls and braids and Ollie's re-occurring finger coils, we get loads of compliments on hair around here.  Seth, my one child thus far with easy hair, has decided he also wants to get in on the action and grow his hair out so he can have some kind of style. 
Aye caramba.  I am trying to talk him out of it. 

Thursday, January 23rd

Day One:

Meet Captain Jack!
And Nevaeh!  Or as Ollie says, "Vey-a"
We are amazed and challenged by wonderful BIG HAIR!

Pile on, it's book time!

Jon is so over the moon with this baby.  If you're coming over for/with dinner, you better hope you get here before Jon gets home or he won't give him up. 

Ollie and Jack

Tickle, tickle!
All smiles!
Ok, pictures will have to suffice for now because I've got a million thoughts, but probably only a few minutes before someone will be up.  I'll type furiously, and you'll ignore typos.  Jack and Nevaeh are adjusting so, so well.  They clearly have been in some wonderful homes and we are grateful as to how they are adjusting, especially emotionally.  Jon and I were talking last night and reminding each other that in the future when we do foster care, we probably shouldn't use this experience as the "norm".  God has been so faithful and knew what and how much we could handle.  They are truly sweet kids with personalities that are shining through despite a crazy start to life. 
Jack has been sleeping through the night!  After the first three days/nights when Jack got up every 90 minutes, I furiously read a sleep chapter in a baby book while everyone else was occupied/napping and Jon and I had a plan.  Google Dr. Ferber, that's basically what we did and Jack has slept through the night the last three nights.  Of course this a huge deal!! 
Ok..... I hear friends!  More later!


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Oh And I Forgot To Tell You Some Funny Things

Ollie-isms:  (And yes!  We are moving on to real names around here now that we are private!)

Singing to the tune of, "He's got the whole world in His hands"
Ollie:  "He's got a hole in his body da-da-da"

Also Ollie gets the words "nipple" and "mole" mixed up and today asked me why I had nipples all over my arms.  Oh man, that kid knows how to keep us laughing. 
Okay friends, they are here!  Thursday afternoon, January 23rd, we received our first foster placements! 

Jack is a 5 month old sweetie, with big sister Nevaeh turning 2 in early March. 

Things have gone really well so far, and I want to thank everyone for your prayers and support!  It means the world to us.  So far the transition has gone smoother than I could have hoped for, but we are BUSY!  Today I was finally able to get dressed and brush my teeth and it was 10:45.  I was thinking that on a normal weekend that would be no different, except it was because I was moving slow and being lazy but today it was because I hadn't gotten to sit down yet! 

I also have to tell you again how great my husband is.  It has been fun and hectic so far, but without an amazing partner to share life with, this would not be possible.  Yay for middle of the night feedings and deep conversations with Jon!

I also want to warn all you private readers, I plan on putting pictures of the kids on here, but you have to promise not to share their pictures with anyone.  If anyone feels uncomfortable with me posting pictures here, please contact me via fb, phone, or email and we can chat.

Ok, that's all for now!  It's off to bed for me!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Preparing Kids

Take a close look at our calendar and guess what's going on. 

Yep. We maaaay have said "we're ready" and Buckner maaaay have said, "ok! See you Thursday!"

Monday, January 20, 2014

SuperHero Saturday

Typical Weekend Morning Scene:  Armed and Dangerous

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Getting Ready

Bear helping me figure out a new sling.
The crib!
An easy hair cut!
Favorite thing Jon said:
"I was prepared to lie, but I don't even have to!  It looks really great!"
And even a night out...
...with these two! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Here's some prayer requests for you:

*Jon and I handle and react to stress very differently, so pray for our time together and our communication.  Pray that we would learn to make the most of the time during the day or week that we have together.  Pray for God's grace to pour out for each other as we figure out a new normal.

*The boys will likely share a room again.  Pray that both would sleep well.

*Pray that the boys would have soft hearts in regards to sharing everything, from toys, to a place at the table, to their parents. 

*Pray for Jon and I as we interact with the birth family.  We wanted to go into foster care with the desire and intention of trying to help families get back on their feet.  Pray that we would not become bitter or calloused to the birth family.

*Things feel a little high strung right now.  Pray that the time leading up for February would be a sweet, enjoyable time with our family of four.

This morning Jon and I helped with communion.  I love when we get to participate in this, but I am also terrible at it, because I almost always burst into tears.  Every time I look into someone's eyes (usually a complete stranger) and say "Christ's blood, shed for you", I about lose it.  Sweet Jesus, you really were broken for all.  Pray that thought would never be far from our hearts or mind as we are getting ready to deal with a ton of new people, from our new little ones, to birth families, to social workers and CPS employees, to therapists and doctors, and a slew of others I'm forgetting about.  Pray that we would love our boys well now and in the future.  Pray that no matter what, our family would proclaim God with our lives.  

Friday, January 10, 2014

This wind keeps messing up my hair/life

To say that this week has been a whirlwind would be an understatement. 

Jon and I decided to try this paleo diet.  It's pretty much what I have always wanted to pay a personal trainer to do, someone to tell me what to eat and how to work out.  Tomorrow will be day ten, and I've only got a handful of cheats to confess.  (Tonight's being a big scoop of green Jell-O accompanied with lots of talk about Grandma and her Jell-O with the layers.  I believe Superman said, "I love Grandma's Jell-O.  I love Grandma's house.  I love Blackie.")

I am down a few pounds, but when a friend asked if I was sleeping any better or feeling different, I responded with a big N-O.  After she heard about my week, it was decided there were a plethora of other factors contributing to the sleep thing, though.

And this is just a side note for you:  My dad was asking what we could eat and then summed it up by saying,  "so it's pretty much just Atkins."  For some reason this totally cracked me up.  I can imagine a snobby-ish person paying 4 bucks a bar for the latest all-Paleo power snack, when really they could go home and eat bacon like the normal folks who have tried Atkins.  For some reason, even the name Paleo strikes me as ultra stuck-up.

Jon has been out of town all week!  He does have some travel with his job from time to time, but he has never been gone for six whole days for work before!  Too long, and I demand they return him.  Now!  Oh wait... it's Friday and we are due to pick him up at the airport soon.  Thank goodness.   

Mimi also found out she has breast cancer, so if you could pray for her that would be much appreciated.  It's stage zero and non-invasive, so after a super scary word like cancer, it's the best possible news.  She had three or four different tests run yesterday so her doctor could develop a treatment plan for her, so I'm not sure yet what that will look like.  I'll keep you posted and thanks in advance for praying for her.   

And to cap it all off, the news about foster care!  It's about to get real over here! 



Thursday, January 9, 2014

Mots: Party of Six

Holy Moly, and I can't say that enough.

Jon and I were licensed for foster care Monday afternoon and not 24 hours later we were called with our first placement information.  This would have been just peachy had Jon not been out in the middle of nowhere with a group of foresters and spotty cell coverage.  And even when he was in range of a tower, they were having meetings all day, so barely any time to chat. 

Now, if you are the imagining type, I ask you, what does that even look like?  A group of tree-huggers/pancake-eating lumberjacks/whiskey drinkers/Jon all in some remote wooded landscape, but they are still stuck in meetings/working on a project all day.  My mind sees a bunch of people in the green pants of the Texas Forest Service sitting on logs strewn in a semi-circle with laptops and tablets balancing on tree stumps.  Then my mind screeches off into episodes of the Flintstones.

Anyway, let's get back to the Holy Moly news.  We accepted our first placements!!!  A 21 month old girl and a 5 month old boy due to arrive on our doorstep on the 31st of Jan.  Holy Moly. 

Holy Moly.

Right after I got the call about the placements, I texted Jon, then a few friends from our small group and the like to pray for us.  Then I spent the day fielding texts like, "I am just soooo excited for you guys!!!  We are praying!! Have you made a decision??!!"  Jon and I were finally able to talk around 9:30 or 10:00 that night and we decided to go for it. 

I haven't had my smarty phone for too long, so I can remember the days when I tried to keep my monthly texts under 400.  Let me just tell you that it seems like I could have easily sent or received close to 400 texts in the past two days.  And it makes me smile and want to cry.

I sent out a fb message to 6 or 7 nearby friends about our decision to go for it and their responses were the exact perfect kind of support that everyone in life should get.  I should just copy and paste all the 25+ responses, because maybe it would make you misty-eyed reading it too. 

We are really excited to jump in, but I am also completely terrified.  It's probably not even a 50/50 split.  Maybe 40/60?  ish? 

The last time we adopted (and let me be clear now:  We are not adopting these two kids, only fostering, and completely unaware of what their future with their birth families will hold) we were so blissfully ignorant.  In some ways, ignorance is better when inviting two small chillens into your life.  All excitement and no practicality, experience, or support can get you a long way, but the sugar high crash is hard and swift.  

This time we are 100% the opposite.  We have worked with great pediatric occupational therapists and physical therapists.  Half the women in our small group work for Early Childhood Intervention as therapists.  I love our play therapist, hopefully she will never retire.  We have the best, most awesome pediatrician.  I love their entire office staff and what's more, they love my boys.  Our group of friends, church, and small group community is different than last time around, and much healthier.  We have tons of adoptive families in our lives, in one facet or another.  We have family in town now that doesn't even charge to babysit, although that may change when we bring over 200% more kids.  I guess I'm agreeing with those who say it takes a village.  And this time we have that village.  Although our expectations are different, (Me:  It's going to be totally hard.  Jon:  Heck ya!  It's going to suck!) they are built in experience and we have a strong body of Christ behind us. 

But Holy Moly.     

To wrap up, I leave you with a song that my friend Calli sent me today,
we'll never be rested and a warning that this dear 'ol blog is going private.  You've got until the 30th to get me your email address and let me know you want to be on the "approved" list! 

And one more Holy Moly.

Holy Moly.

(holy moly)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Exercise Clothes

My exercise pants have gone missing.  And what is worse?  My son is noticing. 

Bear is in love with some hand-me-downs.  He has been cracking me up by changing two or three times a day since Jon drug out a tub of Superman's old clothes from the attic.  His heart's delight is what he calls "exercise clothes".  He was so smitten to discover this wind suit in the mix and has pulled it out of the laundry basket to wear for a few days in a row. 

Here's the only problem.  After getting dressed, he then follows up with lots of, "Mama, where's your exercise clothes?  You got your exercise pants?  When we gonna exercise?"  And I've got good answers for him, like "Oh gee, buddy, I'm not sure" and "I just don't know where my exercise pants are". 

On one hand, I'm kinda proud.  He can remember me exercising.  He is only three-years old, you know, so he doesn't have super long term memory yet. 

On the other, I know I'm busted.  My three-year old son is aware that my exercise pants haven't made an appearance in a good many months. 

It's 2014, after all, a new year!  I may find those suckers and get into a good routine yet!  And if I do, one thing is for certain; I'll never look as cute in a wind suit. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Friday, January 3, 2014

MIZZOU for the WIN!

Yay Missouri!
And if you were sitting in my living room, I would go on and on about how I can't even believe that Bear is now bigger than Superman was when he came home.  Seriously, on and on.  You would finally have to just tell me to shut it. 

Building Stuffs


Superman's been hard at work over Christmas break.  Upon opening this present Christmas morn, he said, "Oh good.  Real tools.  Now I can build a robot."  :)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year! 

We got to ring in 2014 in Dallas with our buddy Robyn!  Highlights included amazing Indian food, Half-Price Books, IKEA, and spending a day with our favorite Papua New Guinean.