Monday, August 30, 2021

Go Farley Hippos!

Seth joined the cross country team! They had their first meet this past weekend and he did so well! They run a two mile race, and he finished in around 17 minutes. We enjoyed going out to cheer for him and are really proud of all his effort. Running in August in Texas can't ever be easy!  

Way to go, Seth! Proud of you!


Sunday, August 29, 2021

Noey News

Our littlest buddy is officially 5 and a half and is rocking kinder. Hard to believe our baby is that old!

School lunch picnic with his class.

ABC boot camp: Day 1

He has had FOUR kids in his class test positive for covid so far this year. Oye.

Our district is not quarantining classes automatically like last year, but families can choose to keep their kids home for a few days if there has been a case to hopefully protect them from further exposure. The last time I was in his class there were about 9 kids, but I bet tomorrow there may be around 5? For the past couple covid years, our family really hasn't had this much exposure. Ever. Who knows what the future will bring, but I feel like the first Mot is about to test positive. 

You know you have big kid on your hands when they prefer showering to bathing. Even if they do choose to wear googles. Ha!

Hugging his puppies.

You also know you have a big kid on your hands when you find yourself sneaking into their room to take sleeping pictures less and less. Sleeping elementary (and definitely sleeping pre-teens) just aren't as cute as those sleeping toddlers. But here's a few anyway. 

And some pictures of the half birthday celebration. He was really funny this year and kept trying to ask in different ways if he would get presents for his halfie day. "Mom, so two more sleeps, then my half birthday, so I will probably open presents that day." "Mom, can I loooook in here??? Did you hide my half birthday presents in here?" Good try buddy! On the half day, all you can expect is cake!

We love you so much, Noey! xoxox


Monday, August 23, 2021


 It's not every day your young man turns 11. And we have quite the extraordinary young man. 

Ollie really wanted a football birthday and let me tell you we were happy to oblige. It was cheap and easy to throw together! (Some of this mom's favorite words.)

Flag football with all the neighborhood boys, plus 5 friends from school, and 5 from church. It was sweet because a few dads played, plus we had all kinds of ages thanks to brothers and neighborhood kids. 

Ollie's team won, fair and square. Then a middle school kiddo hoisted him up while everyone chanted his name. I'm pretty sure all his life dreams came true in this moment. 

Singing and cupcakes

Opening a couple presents

Wouldn't be a football game without the water/gatorade dump at the end!

An outstanding athlete with his favorite ref, coach, and cheerleader (otherwise known as mom). 

Happy birthday, Ollie! Your life is a gift!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

First Week is in the Books!

Everybody had such a great first week! I'm proud of all us Hippos. 

Seth, the mighty 7th grader

Ollie, our big bad 5th grader

Nolan, our go-go-go kinder-king!

And last but not least, everyone's newest favorite Tech Teacher, Mrs. Mot

Nolan and Ms Tigrett
(Look at him pulling away from her in this picture. Lol! Now that we are on day 5, I'm guessing he would have his hands around her neck. He is a happy camper with his new class.)

Pic from his teacher at the end of the first day.

Picture from Ms Hall, Ollie's teacher from the first day.

The puppies even have had first day excitement. Since I will not be able to come home for lunch anymore and let them out, we installed a dog door. These two yahoos were messing around in the dog doors at home depot and one got stuck. The other took this very good opportunity to dish out the spankings. Yahoo number one had it coming if you ask me. 

Luna, happily basking in the sun. 


Monday, August 16, 2021


Apparently we are the only school district in the nation with a Hippo as a mascot. And let me tell you, we embrace it in an over-the-top sort of way, which dovetails nicely with my personality. Ha!

Here's my specials team, loving life. 

Ollie left me notes of encouragement for my first day. This of course melted my heart. 

I'll be teaching technology in pre-k through 5th grade. I'm mostly super excited, although some of the technology aspects with the older grades are going to be a real fake-it-until-you-make-it situation. 

Meet the Mot-bot. I won't have my own classroom or computer lab, rather I will push in to all the classrooms. I have a cart that I'll push around with all my junk and supplies that I turned into a robot. School starts the 17th.... I'm ready to get this party started!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Summer Bible Club

When we got back from Montana we helped host a Summer Bible Club with our small group in our neighborhood park. This was also my first week of  work and Nolan and Ollie's first week of daycare, so if I'm honest I was not looking forward to it. This week felt waaaaay too busy. 

But everyone pitched in and helped make it a great week for our neighborhood kids. It was actually super fun and was likely the first time some of the kids had heard the gospel. I was really proud of our crew of volunteers. Ollie also did a great job of rounding kids up. He went around our neighborhood with a couple of his friends and personally invited all the houses around the park. I think half the kids that came are thanks to Ollie's invitation.