Friday, May 30, 2014



Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Long Live The Blog!

Sometimes I'm afraid my blog will die. 

For many seasons, I loved to record all of our new milestones and these days don't seem so new anymore  Mostly well lived-in. 

But, Seth did just conquer pre-k!  That is new!  He is a school-lover through and through, just like his mama.  We are so proud of that little bugger. 

He also said recently, "You know, I don't talk like a pig so much anymore."  Jon and I had absolutely no context and still don't know what on earth he was talking about but we sure did laugh.

We are t-minus 3 days until the big (ha, I mean across town) move and I am about to pull my hair out.  What is the opposite of a procrastinator?  The answer?  Jon and I.  We are so packed and I am so ready that I am seriously bored every night after I tuck my kids in bed.  Ideas of crafts or books or projects cross my mind, but everything is already packed.  I'm also one of those people who tend to get more done the busier I am.  Say my to-do list has twenty items; they are all knocked out in two days.  My to-do list has three items?  It may take me weeks to get those three things crossed off.  I'm thinking that until we are in the new house I'm operating in the tiny to-do list category; ergo, getting nothing done. 

The boys have done really well, and of course we left out their favorite toys, but the squirrely is starting to kick in.  Seth has been done with school for about a week now, so I'm guessing the squirrely would be setting in around now anyway.  It seems as though having nine tenths of his possessions boxed doesn't help.  Go figure.

Although it's not, life sometimes feels mundane, which leaves me feeling blah about posts.  Sorry faithful readers! (All four of you!) 

I will leave you with a few random pictures to go with this random post.

Me: standing on a ladder painting a soffit.
Ollie:  walking around the yard with his hat.

A chair I fell in love with. 
Me:  It's so perfect!  It's even less than two hundred dollars!
Me: (upon closer inspection): Waaaaaaait.....  I missed a zero..... it says $1,920.00.  Ummm, maybe we should shop elsewhere.

This one speaks for itself.  


Saturday, May 24, 2014

Last Saturday

A classic way to spend our last Saturday in our house, with some of our favorite things!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Field Day

Water, squirt guns, 100 kids, and a couple of hours.  That's the recipe for a great last day of school.

Jean and Seth were pretty evenly matched and went at it for an epic water fight.  

Baylor and Ollie
I probably have 5 to 10 pictures of Ollie following Baylor around and squirting him in the back at close range. 


Sunday, May 18, 2014


Camping with young boys = hours and hours of running.  Often with sticks.

Bedtime shot

Ollie in the morning

Seth in the morning.  :)

Doughnuts and poptarts, breakfast of champions!

 So cute!  I don't know why, but these pictures of Ollie in his hood just melt my heart. 

Early morning fishing!

Ollie's first  attempts.

Seth's fishing spot.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The POD!

This thing was so cool to see being unloaded. 
It was pretty much like a real live transformer. 

The ultimate puzzle.  Jon is loving every minute of it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Ollie is so entertaining.  He is amusing and comical and lively and it is priceless.  I love meeting Jon's eyes over Ollie's head.  I love sharing that private parent moment where we can enjoy his latest antics.

He wants to help (demands to help) fold socks.  He has no interest in learning how to correctly pair them, he just wants to be in charge of lining all the socks up in a long row and then folding all of them over clam shell style, irregardless of where it's match may be.  It's so hard not to laugh out loud at his pride while he makes comments the entire time like, "Yep, I'm shuw getting big.  I can fold these socks so good all by myself."

Then Jon goes to his sock drawer and it looks like someone just dumped out the socks straight from the laundry basket into the drawer (for he is also "so good" at putting laundry away) but Jon looks at me and smiles knowing full well that Ollie spent a good 30 minutes on folding and putting away all the socks.

Sometime last week Jon and I were laying in bed watching Pysch or Castle or some such.  Long after we have tucked Ollie in, we can hear him laughing as he runs through the living room to come see us.  He is laughing so hard he can hardly get out, "Hey guys!  Hey guys, I've got somefin to tell you.  I had a fuzzy in my hair.  And then I ate it!  I ate the fuzzy in my hair!"  At this point he is literally doubled over, hands on knees, so as not to fall down because he is laughing so hard.  The information is undoubtedly odd, but the delivery style is spot on, so of course it is a riot and Jon and I are wiping tears from our eyes.        

Ollie really does have us all wrapped around his finger, but we still try really hard to discipline his three year old ways, otherwise he would get away with murder.  Today I took him to Barnes and Noble, for we love books and escalators.  I told him before going in that we were not going to get anything from the in-store Starbucks (we've been known to get those giant cookies) but we were just going to look at books.  We head on upstairs to the kids area and he is so excited to see a Spiderman book, which is one of his three personas.  (The other two being Baylor and Jackie Boy- that's a whole other blog post...) We sit down and read the book, and it's quite long.  I am impressed by his attention span and surprised that we get through the entire book.  The second I'm finished though, he says, "I'm hungry".

I knew it was coming, but it doesn't make it any prettier.  I gently remind him that we are here today to look at books and ride the escalator, and besides, we just ate a snack before coming.  He immediately bursts into tears and is screaming (no exaggeration) that's he's HUNGRY!! I take him into the bathroom and tell him that we will not buy a snack from Starbucks and that he needs to take a deep breath.  He does calm down a little bit, but you can tell the battle is far from over.  We head back down the escalator, go past the Starbucks to get to the door and he is screaming again. 

We leave. 

He can't believe we have to leave. 

I tell him that we can't stay and do fun things, like read a book if he's throwing a fit.  This only escalates the fit throwing.  At this point he is screaming, like all good three year olds do, "I WANT BARNES AND NOBLES!" over and over again. Also at this point my gentle reminders are not so gentle anymore.  I'm holding him in my arms and tell him sternly that he can't yell about Barnes and Noble again unless he wants a spanking.  A silent 30 seconds passes; he hugs me, puts his head down, and whispers, "barnes and nobles" in the tiniest mouse voice.  And I throw my head back and laugh.  I swear, I really do know better, and I really do try, but he's just plain funny.  Even when he's not trying to be. 

 Fits and all, it really is a treasure to have someone so merry in our lives.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Life Lately

Ready for his first soccer game!

Easter Sunday

Ollie, extremely excited about his new blanket.

A cutie and a cone

Too zoomed in action shot.

Possibly this picture was taken of my new scarf?

Ethiopian food with friends!

What's in this cone?

Playing on the playground at our new school.


Working on new projects for our house.

Friday, May 2, 2014

We sold our house! (the sequel)

I know, I know, you are thinking, "wait!  Didn't I already read this post?"


A mere 24 hours before our (extended) option ended, our potential buyer, let's call her pies frios, walked.  In the end, she sited fear over the leaky faucet in the bathroom.  (Maybe we should change her name in this vignette to Nervous Nelly.)  Jon and I had offered 500 bucks for such things that came up on the inspection, and honestly if we had just said we would fix the things that good 'ol NN wanted, she may have stuck around.  Or not.

So Tuesday night we were back to square one and kinda freaked out.  We no longer had a buyer and I maaaay have been ambitious in packing thus far (I know you are not surprised.  You know me.) and our house was looking way less cute.  Plus, with a little help from Craig and his ever ready list, we had sold our kitchen table earlier in the afternoon.  And did I mention our garage was stacked sky high with boxes?  With our bare, but not without nail holes aplenty walls, we did not feel like we were putting our best staging foot forward.  Our house was the equivalent of sleeping late and not getting ready before an interview.  Bad breath can make a lasting impression you know. 

So Wednesday we went back on the market. 

And here's where our drama turns into a thriller.  By Thursday evening we had four agents call our agent telling her that their clients were making an offer. 

Lubbock, Texas, people:  A sellers market.  And we are praising Jesus.

Immediately two of the four potential buyers withdrew, not wanting to bid on a hot house.  We got one full price offer and one offer that was still in the works.  I'm not sure if they decided they didn't want to get into a bidding war or maybe they were not pre-approved and were trying to get their finances in order, but we never did hear from them. 

So we are again under contract for the exact same amount and the exact same closing day, with a different buyer.  Pray that we make it past the option and even better all the way to closing on May 30th, because I just don't think this plot line can carry a trilogy.