Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Many Faces of my Pumpkin

And the whole scha-bang!

Monday, October 28, 2013

MO: Part II

We have smart phones and take a million pictures on them.  Will I ever remember this before I blog?  No, no I will not. 

With out further adieu, Jon's perspective of our Missouri adventures. 


Friday, October 25, 2013

Corn Rows and the After Party

My first ever attempt at Corn Rows.  I'll be the first to admit that they were terrible.  Much too uneven and fuzzy.  But, boy was I proud.  Even better, Bear was too.  "Wanna see my bwaids?  Yook at my bwaids!"
But the real fun was the after party.  We all died laughing when Bear would look in the mirror and shriek with delight when he saw "my big haiw!"


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Miss Chris

Bear hangs out with some dear friends on Monday mornings while I am at work, Sam and Kristy.   This year Kristy signed Sam and Bear up for a music class with Miss Chris, and the cuteness can not be contained.  I got to go a few weeks ago when I didn't have to work, and I am so glad I got the chance.  The songs change a little with the seasons, so right now Bear walks around singing, "Dem bones, dem bones, dem dryyyy bones".  If you know me at all, you already know how much I love this.  :)


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sweet Lucy, she's a Pearl

Lucy Pearl, we are completely smitten and were over the moon to meet you!  To behold your full head of feather down hair and ohh and ahh over you was a delight!  To hold you in our arms and try to coax out one of your smiles so we could catch a glimpse of your elusive dimples was a joy. 

Jubal and Lu, my boys think that the very best possible way to spend a short 30 minutes is in your company!  And Jubal, thank you for the invitation to come to your house for Christmas!  :)

Fellow CCHers who read the blogs of these collective mamas, let me just tell you, pictures can't do these sweet babes/kids justice.  Even if you are like me and compulsively check Tall Tales and Gild the Lily daily, no amount of picture proof will ever compare to the real deal.  These are some sweet kids, and we felt rich to be able to see them for a teeny tiny amount of time before piling back in the van and driving another 10 hours.

Caveat before getting to the pictures:  Superman took 6 out of 7 of them.  :)



Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Life on the Farm

Superman after school on Monday:  I got to tell the whole class what I did on my trip!
Me:  Oh yeah?  What did you tell them?
Superman:  I got to feed the sheep with Grandpa, and I got to feed the cows with Grandpa, and I played with Blackie, and I played KING OF THE HILL!

Carrot harvest, a whole wagon full!

The green house!

Bear, imitating Grandma's stance after feeding the sheep. 

Superman and Grandpa moving the cows.

Kneeling in front of a couch covered in cars, Bear's favorite pass-time.

Bear and Grandma washing some of the apples Superman and Grandpa picked.

Hard at work!

Figuring out how to use the juicer. 

Team Apple Juice, for the win!

A chilly afternoon for a homecoming parade.   

But worth it!!!  Look at all our loot!
Hanging out with Grandma at work.

Celebrating Grandma!

Oh you know, just getting the field ready.

No one plays in dirt better than Grandpa, Joy, and BJ!
No matter where we go or what we do, this is still the best seat in the house. 

Monday, October 21, 2013


Missouri was beautiful.  The leaves were just beginning to change and some of the days were definitely meriting of a hot beverage.  Last Thursday was the first day in my life that made me wish I knew anything about photography.  The late afternoon sun shining down was the stuff happy afternoons and photo shoots are made of. 

I will have busy fingers tonight, but not from blogging.  One of the many blessings of visiting Grandma and Grandpa is the 20 plus pounds of produce now sitting on my counter waiting to be turned into something yummy.  That and I decided to corn row Bear's hair for the first time, which may not seem connected to you, but let me assure you that it is.  After finally combing out all the tomato plant leaves I decided a protective style may be in order.... 
Here's a few pictures and I'll be back tomorrow!