Thursday, June 26, 2014

More from Montana

We visited Glacier National Park yesterday. A good portion is still closed while they clear snow from the roads at higher elevations (if you can believe that), but I was able to do a little hiking and there were some great views. Here are a few photos from there and elsewhere. 

The scenery here really is amazing. I'm just trying to soak up as much of it as I can before heading back to Texas. I'll be off to Missouri first though. This has been fun, but 6 days away from Joy and the boys gets kinda long. I'm excited to see them later today!

Monday, June 23, 2014


We are all on the road this week, but traveling to different places. I (Jon) just spent the past 3 days driving a Uhaul approximately 1,600 miles from Texas to Montana and wanted to share a few pictures from the road. Enjoy!

And here is the view I get to enjoy for the next few days at Momo and Mimi's house.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wild Kratts!

And we've unpacked the costumes!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Library goodie bags don't disappoint! 

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Things moving will teach you

#1. All the good habits you have been trying to teach your kids will unravel in the blink of an eye. 

Can't find any hand soap? Um, I guess we will skip washing just this once... 
Can't find your laundry hamper/shoe box/toy box/toothbrush holder?  Umm, I guess just put your dirty clothes/shoes/whatever is in your hand any old place. 
Can't find any cups?  Well, just this once, lets drink from the bottle. 

I'm glad they are not teenagers yet, there would be no going back.

#2. Unless you have a hankering for hours of combing and detangling, do not neglect Ollie's hair, not even for one day.  (NOT ONE DAY, JOY!)

#3. Be thankful when your son's prescription allergy medicine bottle shatters because then you can just give him Benadryl every night in good conscience, around say, 7:05.  (And why would it come in a glass bottle in the first place?)

#4. Look up more often when buying a house.  The thought of painting ceilings is totally daunting to me, but maybe my neck is still sore from the detangling marathon earlier this morning. 

#5. Be thankful for those weird hairless cats.  The previous owners had a kitty, but I've seen exactly zero evidence of that fact upon arrival and cleaning. 

#6. The boys can share a room and generally be sweet to one another.  All it takes is a new sticker chart involving candy. 

#7.  You can in fact order a mattress in the mail, yay!  But said mattress is all crazy vacuum sealed and takes a full 72 hours to poof back up, leaving you sleeping on a random twin mattress on the floor, boo!

#8.  All progress is so satisfying!  I'd show you some pictures, but I haven't stumbled across the camera battery charger yet...


Wednesday, June 4, 2014