Friday, December 28, 2018


All I want for Christmas is my dread locks back,
my dread locks back,
my dread locks back.
All I want for Christmas is my dread locks baaaaack!


Thursday, December 27, 2018

A Very G&G Christmas

We were so glad to have Grandma and Grandpa spend Christmas with us!
Ollie may or may not take after me and my game cheating ways... 
Good thing both Grandma and Grandpa are quite patient and understanding.
Driving cars on the keyboard with Grandpa. 
Learning how to play dominoes.  
Making some Christmas sugar cookies!

Christmas Eve visit to the Science Spectrum

Putting on a performance while we wait for the animal show. 

Christmas Eve Service
And finally, the big day! Christmas Morning!

Noey's favorite present, a little blue gun. Sadly, it is already lost.  
Ollie's favorite gift was an Alexa dot, lots of music has been played and questions about the weather, the Chiefs, and knock knock jokes told.
We also got a new favorite board game, Ticket to Ride! Grandma won!

We are very blessed to have such lovely parents/in-laws/grandparents! Thanks for coming, Gma and Gpa! Thanks for all the fun and Christmas goodies!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Party: Minute to Win it Edition

We hosted our small groups Christmas party the last few years. We've had some murder mysteries, bunko, and this year we decided to go with something that kids could participate in if they wanted. So we landed on minute to win it games and had a blast. Maybe a little loud and chaotic, but a blast. Ha!
I'm incredibly thankful for all these party people!




Let it snow!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Noey-isms (age: 2 and a half)

Time for a Noey post, just because I have so many random darling pictures that need to be shared.

Nolan is so imaginative. He really isn't that into toys, he mostly likes to just pick up things around the house and incorporate them into his play. If you come over, he will likely be running around with no pants, and toilet paper rolls on his hands getting ready to fight "darf bader" or "storm trooders" and "gonna get those monsters". Some times he walks in the room with his toilet paper hulk punching hands, and I ask him, "Did you get those bad guys?" and he will usually tell me, "no, I'm good. I already did." He also loves putting socks on his hands, oven mitts, or gloves.

Here he is pushing toothpicks into the carpet to make his fence.

I also think he's pretty clever; he goes and gets the mop when he can't reach a light switch. He runs it up the wall and flips on the lights. And he can still "nuggle" with you for a good nap.

We have a Talking Tom ap on an old phone that has a cat that repeats whatever the user says in a high pitch voice. Noey can argue with Tom the Cat for a good 20 minutes and it always cracks me up.
Nolan: No, I'm Noey!
Talking Tom: No, I'm Noey!
No, I am!
No, I am!

You get the point. It's hilarious to listen to, especially if you just stumble on him arguing with Tom in another room.

Last week we ate popcorn during a movie night and the next day Nolan found an un-popped kernel on the floor and carried it around with him all day and played with his "football". Like I said, his imagination doesn't require toys. And he likes carrots. A lot.

When we go shopping he sits in the front of the cart and tells me he is a puppy that needs treats. So I walk around the grocery store and every few steps I pretend to throw something in the air, then my puppy Noey will track my pretend treat with his eyes then chomp on it when the moment is right.

And of course, his love for the B continues. You can be his best friend, if you will just go down and play, run, and throw balls in the basement.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Snow Day!

We only get snow like this in Lubbock every couple years, so when it comes we have to get out and play!