Thursday, May 31, 2018

May Livin

Gecko sighting!  Someone was extremely curious..

Mother's Day dinner!

"Mom!!  Take our picture!"
Lots and lots of bike rides this spring.
Naughty Noey, drew all over the back of the cabinets. This milestone was more cute than anything because the writing apparatus was a pencil, so easy clean up. I told him it wouldn't be so cute with a Sharpie.

Ug.  It's already been so hot this summer. I think Lubbock broke it's record for the number of days in the 100's in May.
Date night!
Bfast of champions
Lunch at school with Ollie.

Nolan's donut factory.
Summer vibes
Lego transformer
Curious Nolan!

Those boots are made for working!
Just catching up on grocery deals...

The best chicken sliders ever. 
helping dad
Stuffed jalapenos for Memorial Day grilling

Saturday, May 12, 2018


A family that is in our small group from church lost their mom/wife to breast cancer and a son/brother to a rare metobolic disease. The father and daughter decided to have an annual 5k to raise money for research and to provide opportunities for families to create fun memories together. Most of the families that are in our small group participated in the 5k and we all had so much fun running/walking together. 

Our boys did a stellar job and got first and second place in their age catergories, running their first ever 5k in around 30ish minutes. They ran with my good friend, Eryn, who happens to also be a marathoner, and our friend Micah. There were three or four other groups of our friends; parents running with kids that may or may not be theirs, just running together in groups with common ability and pace. Of course that meant I was in the last/slowest group pushing Nolan in our jogging stroller, with Seth and Addie (twin first grade friends) keeping me company. They were totally uninterested in the running aspect and had 100 off the wall things to talk about, including what we would all do with the power of invisibility, wishing we had our bikes, and if Seth possessed the power of healing a stitch in your side by touching said stitch. I had an absolute blast. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Sweet and Sour

Lemonade day in Lubbock! These boys have impressive work ethic and were oh-so excited to dump and count that money jar. 

Friday, May 4, 2018