Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Target: Our Grand Adventure

We came.  We saw.  We conquered.  We were immediately disillusioned.

Remember how I was feeling guilty because I had never let my kids buy anything with their hard earned and mostly scrounged up money?  Earlier this week we emptied the piggy banks, shocked to discover that there was close to ten bucks in each of those fat little oinkers.  How often does that happen?  More money than you expect to see!

We armed ourselves with ziplock baggies full of quarters and headed to target.  The kids were hilarious, one taking over an hour pacing the aisles, the other begging to go to the van.  Too much walking!  Not enough playing!  One child changing his mind 5 times, the other sticking with his first selection. 

We came home and Superman had some major buyers regret, his dragon just wasn't as cool as he thought it would be.  I felt bad for him at first, thinking about taking it back and making a new selection.  But the more I thought about it, the more I decided that it was probably a good lesson.  Lord, teach us that the things of the world will never satisfy. Show us that materialism is a beast akin to fire.  In the end we decided to bury the new dragon in the dirt, which was still pretty fun. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Not a bad way to start the weekend!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Get ready for more pictures of Costa Rica than you know what to do with!

At the airport!

Keeping busy on the plane!

Casa Conde, our hotel.  I must say, Jon is a peach when it comes to planning vacations and booking hotels.  This place was so awesome!

Breakfast at our hotel was so good!

  We hit the road to check out La Paz and hike to a waterfall.  Our first stop of the day is to sample some strawberry juice. 

Costa Rica:  Delicious Juice Capital of the World
David sporting his Krispy Kreme hat.

La Paz had all sorts of animals in addition to amazing scenery.
Superman, Annie, and our buddy the Toucan.

Bear and I getting up close and personal with our Toucan friend.
Scarlett Macaws whispering secrets.

The butterfly garden!

This butterfly must have been pretty relaxed to let us all pass him around.

I am smiling, but this was terrifying. 

Crazy frogs!

Starting to catch a glimpse of the waterfall on our trek.  

And then the rain came down!
Necessity, the mother of all inventions. 

A group shot out side the Caire's house.  This picture cracks me up because it is probably my best picture of all the kids, with Superman in the restroom and Sarah crying because the sun was in her eyes.  
Walking to buy fruit at the market Saturday morning.

Outdoor Zumba class, although I am told this was a first to witness at the market.
We got to meet fellow Language Institute friends. 
Lots of room to play while we shop. 

Pile in!  We are off to the beach!

Allison and bear, ready for the ride. 
We stopped for dinner at this awesome taco bar.  Check out the seats, they are all swings!

On our hike to the beach.
Are we there yet?
The ocean! 
A howler monkey!  We also saw some other types of monkeys as well as sloths, iguanas, lizards, and snakes.  
But of course!  Geocaching!
Amazing jungle surrounding us at the beach.
Beautiful beach at Manuel Antonio.

Snack time on the water.

A park back in San Jose close to the Caire's house.
Bear and Annie playing in the grass.  I'd say this lovely young lady left quite an impression on our boys.  Both have decided to "be Annie" since home.  "Mama, Mama?  Can I be Annie?  And you can be Allison?" :)

Jon blessing me by organizing all of our junk for the trip home. 
Happy campers on the plane.