Sunday, January 23, 2022


 Happy Belated New Year! Jon and I were talking about how it really doesn't feel like a new year. I don't ever think it feels like a new year in January because my years have always revolved around the school calendar, but he made a lot of good points. Same old covid hanging around, same old problems with race and politics, nothing super new or major with our kids or family, no big changes on the horizon with the new year.

We did start the New Year with duck donuts. My favorite was a lime one with coconut! Yummmm. 

Jon and Noey took care of a friends dog.

We've gone on some walks and hikes.

Over MLK weekend we went up to Lubbock to visit friends. Major fail 1: No pictures were taken. Major fail 2: We came home with Covid. 

We knew on the drive home that we had been exposed because our friends had texted that morning that she tested positive. The ironic thing is that we didn't see 2 or 3 other families that we would have because of health concerns with Covid. 

School had also been cancelled two additional days after MLK day because of the number of staff out in our district. (Again, Covid). On Tuesday morning, Nolan woke up with a terrible cough, so we decided to test everyone. Ollie was the one who tested positive however. (I had forgotten how terrible air quality is in Lubbock; it's so dry and so dusty. I'm guessing Nolan was just having some allergies after spending the weekend there.) 

Jon has had a sore throat all week, but tested negative twice. It's so hard to tell what is allergies and what is Covid! He did test again this morning though and it was positive. We will see if it continues to spread through the house or if it stops. 

It's looking like we will have a low key month. Time to get caught up on things around the house and this here ol blog! 

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Christmas Continued

After Jennifer left, it was on to Minnesota! We were finally going to get to meet our newest cousin and niece! 

Gotta love that direct flight from Austin to Minneapolis. It's a game changer with kids!

The first time we got to meet Emmy! No one was excited though. ;)

Christmas Eve meal!

Nolan was the official monitor of the monitor. 
"Oh look! LOOK! She moved that foot! That foot right there!" 

Getting ready for presents!

Ain't nobody ever sad about hippo socks. 

Cousin Time!

The whole Christmas crew!

And five full days of fighting over who was going to get to hold that baby next. 

This picture was taking right before she said her first words, "I love you Auntie Joy". No one was more surprised than myself. 

Come on, cuz! Just let me play!


Emmy must have been napping... time for a puzzle break!

Em and Grandma

Getting allll the auntie love.

Turns out Eli is going through a big time Farkle phase. Who knew?

Who wore it best? Momo or Santa? Perhaps Momo Claus?

Date night with my man. Best present of the year!

Alexa told me I was looking very Minnesota Chic. It made my day. Ha!

Gingerbread house time!

Poor Beaux has been demoted. 

It was too cold to even play in the snow, but Nolan and Jon attempted one afternoon while the majority of us were at the new Spiderman movie.

Sledding down the front lawn

We got some tickets for Nickelodeon Universe at the Mall of America and had a great afternoon riding the rides. Seth and I even did the big major loop-y one. Ollie said no way. 

This is possibly the best picture ever of my kids. 

Frozen lake exploring

And that gets us to December 30th! I'm gonna get this ol blog caught up if it's the last thing I do!
Thanks to Eli and Alexa for hosting our crew, thanks to Momo, Mimi, Gma, and Auntie M for all the gifts and goodies! We had a great time.