Wednesday, June 26, 2019


June happenings!

Bacon Heights's VBS- Into the Wild

Hot Shot's first road trip to Dallas to pick up Robyn! Yay! I felt the need to take a picture at a rest stop.

Robyn and I went to see Gerry Brooks, principal turned comedian and Youtube sensation. He has not ditched education for mediocre fame, so scores points in my book. He had me laughing until tears more than once. Hirlarious. We also got to attend a meet and greet where he said he would go visit Robyn and her teachers in Papua New Guinea. I legit freaked out. 

Robyn celebrating her bday in Abilene with some old friends.

Robyn and Noey getting to snuggle a brand new foster babe of our friends.

Puzzle time!

Of course time with Jennifer

An evening at Main Event.

Our most recent Murder Mystery Party!

Jon died! At the hands of Laura, if you can believe it!

Pool time with Addie, Seth, and Ellie

Dog sitting for our favorite pup!

Let's get Jon home from Oregon and onto July!

Monday, June 24, 2019

To the Best of the Best

We put our favorite guy on a plane this morning. Nolan cried because he couldn't come along, then cried because we didn't stay long enough at the airport to actually see Jon's plane leave. We all had a similar vibe. 

Three cheers to our fun-lovin, fearless leader.

Who else would be a good enough sport to host all these zany parties with me?

And ain't nobody ever pulled off a red cowboy hat like him.

Napping buddies. 
Almost every night Noey gets out of bed at some point to sleep on the carpet. I'm starting to think it's just so he can be picked up by strong arms and get to talk to his daddy one last time before the morning.

He makes the daily grind and juggle look easy. Tearing it up at work, adored by kids (both Seth and Ollie have separately expressed their guilt to me for liking dad better-lol), and still rockin date night. 

Love you to the moon, babe!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Summer Livin'

My good friend Jennifer and her family are back visiting for a few months this summer. Yay!

Geebo the clown, a super-amazing performer and magician, put on a show at our local library. Ollie was brave! That tarantula is the real deal!

Wha?!?? Daniel Tiger? Why yes, I'll give you high fives and hugs! Nolan did complain later that they didn't get to give each other a kiss, though. 

Rare picture of the basement kinda cleaned. Parade time!

Hollyhop Ice Cream Shoppe with Elliot!

Meet Hot Shot, our new (to us!) Saturn Outlook! We are all big fans. Seth christened him with the name, which with all the transformer love our house is experiencing these days, it seemed perfect. 

Sun 'n Fun! 

Turn your back for one minute.... 

Summer = donuts?

Summer = ice cream? 

Nolan was so excited to surprise Joe with his birthday present!  

Happy Birthday, Joe Joe! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Remember back in January when Jon and I tried to fly to St. Louis to attend Kristen's wedding? Then all the Mizzou college buds were terribly thwarted by a heavy snow? Well, when four out of five of us happened to be in Texas at the same time, a meet up was in order. Kristen and new husband Bob, (who I finally got to meet! He seemed like such a great fit with Kristen!) flew to visit some Austin friends. Beth and her crew live in the Cedar Park area, Jessie was in Dallas with her sister's family, and with me in Lubbock, it seemed easy enough to drive down to Austin as well. We were only missing Megan and Jon. We just spent one afternoon together, but so worth it! Love these people.

Lunch at a burger joint and swimming at blue hole for Beth and Talbot's crew.

Chat time afterwards at Beth's

To Zilker Park for stand up paddle boarding, a first for myself and Jessie.

So relaxing and enjoyable!

Elizabeth and I showing off our super cool glasses straps.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bye, Babe! (Cousin Camp, part 3)

And of course, no trip to Missouri would be complete without some farm time!
Nolan Lily getting quite mad that those sheep won't "come see me!".
Time for catch and the swing set.


Ollie spent a few nights at the farm with G&G and absolutely loved his time with them. From what I heard, there was late evening ice cream, fires and s'mores, driving around the Rhino with Grandpa, Grandma's famous meatballs, seeing Ava at church, a big tub of legos from a garage sale, and a disregard for bedtime punctuality. Basically, all of Ollie's dreams came true.  

Love you, Missouri fam! Thanks for putting up with us!
We are already looking forward to Cousin Camp 2020!