Tuesday, July 27, 2021


 Coming at ya is the very best scenery Montana has to offer! (Alternative post title: All Jon's pictures)

Momo and Mimi's Barn.

Canola fields

Church Slough: The views from Momo and Mimi's deck

Strawberry Mountain
This was a hike all five of us did, although Nolan and I did not quite make it. I was super proud of him though, he hiked almost 5 miles without a complaint and didn't ask to be picked up once. Seth, Ollie, and Jon made it to the top, about 6.3 miles and a change in around 2,000 ft in elevation. 

Strawberry Lake at the top!

This picture was taken moments after Ollie accidentally swallowed a butterfly then coughed it back out. 

Jon and I had a day date and spent it in Glacier Park. 

And finally, a hike to Avalanche Lake in Glacier, which was a shorter, easier, and prettier (in my opinion) hike than Strawberry. We hiked about 4 miles with a change in around 700 ft elevation. 

Pictures from the top when we made it to the lake. 

No place prettier! 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Come hang out at Nolan's

 I know I said I would do a MT pics post next, but there are 100's of pictures so it is overwhelming me for now. How about a before and after of Nolan's room re-do? 

Here's the before. Queen mattress on the floor, nothing on the walls. Pretty small room and limited floor space. (Ha, I just noticed a couple puppies trying to sleep with Nolan in my before pic.)

Jon built this awesome bed frame so we could keep the queen for a guest space, but still have floor space for Nolan to play. We added some cool lights and toy storage under the bed. 

Aw, sweet Nolan. Our family would be lost without your sweet and silly spirit. I'm glad you've got an awesome room to reflect you!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

July Photo Dump (minus MT)

Seth went to camp for a week! I hardly have any pictures, but I hear the day at Sea World was a major highlight.  

Friday evening awards before heading home. 

Home Slice Pizza. We recommend!

Daxton play date.

Ollie and I had a date night while Seth was a camp. We hit all the favorites; a craft store for me, a lego mini-fig store for him, ending at a used book store for both of us. 

My new employee highlight! Whoop!

Creek time with Audra and her girls. 

Three cheers for the red, white, and blue! Happy 4th!

We walked over to the amphitheater for food trucks, music, and fireworks, but got caught in a hard rain and everything was cancelled! We walked back home soaking wet and had 2 inches in our rain gauge. Sheesh! Later the rain stopped and we watched our neighbors set off fireworks, so it was still a win. 

Opening day for the Olympics!

Poor Jon doesn't ask for much. And he definitely doesn't ask for puppies to lay on his butt while he naps. 

Remember Jon's college roommate and groomsman in our wedding? Ryan? (How long have you been following this old blog, anyway??) Ryan, Susan, and their two boys have lived overseas for many years now and were back stateside for a few weeks. We were super glad to have them come over and catch up for a quick afternoon! Here are the boys with Beck and Benji before we took them swimming at Brushy Creek. 

A lovely afternoon spent swimming at Daxton's pool. 

My most successful flower beds of my entire life. Funny what a little effort will get ya!

Next up... Montana pics!