Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hair Cut!

First official haircut after 2.5 years. 
Such a cute kid!

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Day that Had it All!

Snow Day!!!
 We had a toasty fire,
 a couple of angels,

 a good looking snowman,

 hills to overcome,

 and smiles all around! 

Back inside to warm up!
Then our good buddy came over for the ultimate snow cones! 

And this little guy is officially 2 1/2 years old!!

The picture above has the beginning of his bashful face where he closes his eyes half-way and looks away.  He must be growing up, already feeling shy! Love you so, Bear!


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday, February 22, 2013

Momo's Bday

By now, this chain should be 12 links shorter!  Only 353 days until the next one!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ages 4, 3, 2, & 1 = Fun, fun

Weekend highlights:

  • Our good buds from CO came to see us and the TX sunshine!  The good weather was perfectly timed, as it was only in the 40's today.
  • Everyone slept a million times better than I thought they would!  I don't even think anyone reached for the Melatonin.  Superman and Jube shared a room which was comical because Superman needs a night light and Jube needs a pitch black room.  Every night had a predictable pattern.  Tuck in...check.  Giggles, yelling, and general playing....check.  Parents sticking their heads in to say it was time to quite down... check.  Less noise... check.  Sudden uproar with one boy in near tears because the night light got unplugged and another saying, It's too bwight.  It's too bwight to sleep.... check.
  • We had fun going to at all our favorite spots.  The mall playground, the Science Spectrum,  and the park.  When we were out and about Jube kept asking if he could go back to S's house.  I couldn't tell if he didn't like our outings, or more likely he was afraid his trip was over and he would be driving home before playing with all of our toys.  :)
  • Sunday morning was perfect.  Everyone slept in a tiny bit (and if memory serves Lu all night...)  We had breakfast at Krispie Kreme and then went to see our bud Sam the fireman.  Those boys circled that truck like hungry sharks.        
  • We got to celebrate a valentine's day birthday.  I rooted around in the cabinet to find a big #2 candle and put nine singles on the cake.  When no one was paying attention, Bear took two big bites out of the candle.  I'm guessing he thought it was candy or something edible, but it cracked me up to see not one, but two perfect teeth prints on that thing.  It's times like these that I would love to know the thought processes of my children.  "Yummm!  That looks good!  Chomp.  yummm...waaait-a-minute....  that tasted disgusting.  Maybe I'll try another bite on the bottom.  Chomp.  Nope, still gross."  Did it cross his mind to try a third bite of wax?  Alas, I'll never know.   
  • Joe and Pearl did some shopping while we took Jube to play with us at the mall playground.  J & P (or mostly just the J) abhor shopping so they bought a bunch of stuff without trying anything on, so Pearl and I (the other J & P) ended up taking a bunch of stuff back.  Why does this merit a bullet on the highlight list, you ask?  Because we had a little situation when we got to the store for a return and realized J had ripped off all the tags on his jeans.  A quick phone call revealed he was smart and stuck the tags in the jeans' pockets.  After a quick search our friendly Kohl's employee found no tags but 7 bucks in crumpled up cash.  This is still something of a mystery to me.  When did he have time to wear the jeans?  And if he wore them to the park, why did he need 7 bucks?  We laughed and they returned them, although clearly worn.  (or not?)
  • We got a babysitter and went out!  This should have been bullet point number one, if I would have been thinking.  Our fabulous Farbie watched the four boys and we went out for dinner.  It was soooo lovely.  
Here's some pics!


1 Corinthians 1:27

My kids are sweet.  And they humble me.  And they care about how many snaps are fastened on their hoods.

We are about to walk into Bible Study this chilly morning when we have a melt down.  The melt down occurs because Superman realizes that both hood snaps aren't fastened.  We are feet from the door to go inside, which is where we will take off the coat and hood. 

Remember in the 90's when people would say or wear WWJD?  I'm guessing not this. 

(You must read the following in an exasperated voice with not one drop of kindness.)  "Hey, there are good things to cry about and bad things to cry about and your hood is a bad thing to cry about.  You can cry when you get hurt or when you are sad, or lonely, not when your hood only has one snap."   

I'm cringing as I type this.  Not because of the content.  I do actually think that is good.  One snap versus two snaps on your hood should not merit tears.  I am cringing as I remember the tone of voice I used to convey this message.  And of course when I use this tone it only prompts more tears.   

And now for the gut-wrenching, so incredibly sweet, and humbling part.  My child with one out of two snaps fastened sits down, closes his eyes, and manages to get out a prayer while continuing to cry.  "Dear God, please help me not cry about the bad stuffs."  

I wanted to hide.  I wanted a do-over.  I looked around to ensure no witnesses.  I sat down and held that boy in my arms and prayed with him. 

Then the Holy Spirit had a major conversation with me about patience, controlling my temper, and the importance of kind words.  Then I had a major conversation with the Holy Spirit about my gratitude concerning the work he is doing in my four-year-old's heart that he would turn to God in a moment of need. 

Later I apologized.  He said, "that's ok".  Then we put on our coats to leave and he reminded me (kindly, I might add) that he likes both snaps to be fastened. 


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Superman's got a game show mode.  He carries around a microphone and asks riddles or has you ask him questions, because he knows all the answers.  Of course. 

S:  "l..l..l  Starts with a l"
Me:  "lemon?"
"no, it's flatter"
"a lid?"
"nope.  It's bumpy and smooth."

Sometimes he has real comical answers to my questions.
Me:  "Why do fish live in water?"
S:  "Because they don't have feet."

I also asked him what adoption meant and he gave a super lengthy answer that included talk of a rhino.  I asked him again the next day and he said, "When you are in Ethiopia and you get thirsty and then you lay in your crib."  So clearly we get adoption. 

Here's a few other classics from the last few days...

Superman praying before lunch on a rainy day: "God, thanks for watering the grass..."

And my favorite after a kiss from Jon: "You kissin your bruther??!?"


Monday, February 11, 2013

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Another Home Run

Telltale signs of a bad day.

You start making snickerdoodles and then remember that you have no eggs.  And then later you make corn bread.

You come home from work at 10:30 and put on sweats.  For the rest of the day your two-year old reminds you of this.  "Mama, clothes?  Put on clothes, Mama?"

That same two-year old cries every time Barney stops singing and you have to talk over the wailing to let him know that Barney started singing again. 

A certain four-year old dumped a bucket of dirt, leaves, and sticks on his little brother's head.  All you mamas out there that have kids with Caucasian hair, I know you are thinking, "oh well, boys will be boys".  Mamas who have kids with AA hair feel me and know this can change your entire evening plans.

 I read this today and laughed out loud multiple times.  I'm posting the link, but also coping and pasting it, because I know how it goes.  If you have had a home run day as well you simply can not be bothered to click a link.  (Thanks for posting, Jana!)

46 Reasons My Three Year Old Might be Freaking Out

Jason Good
Some of these are total guesses. Educated guesses, but guesses nonetheless. Seems like it’s hard being a kid.
His sock is on wrong.
His lip tastes salty.
His shirt has a tag on it.
The car seat is weird.
He’s hungry, but can’t remember the word “hungry.”
Someone touched his knee.
He’s not allowed in the oven.
I picked out the wrong pants.
His brother looked at him.
His brother didn’t look at him.
His hair is heavy.
We don’t understand what he said.
He doesn’t want to get out of the car.
He wants to get out of the car by himself.
The iPad has a password.
His sleeve is touching his thumb.
He doesn’t understand how popsicles are made.
The inside of his nose stinks.
Chicken is gross.
A balloon he got six months ago is missing.
A puzzle piece won’t fit in upside down.
I gave him the wrong blue crayon.
The gummi vitamin is too firm.
Netflix is slow.
He jumped off the sofa and we weren’t watching.
He’s not allowed to touch fire.
Everything is wrong with his coat.
There’s a dog within a 70 mile radius.
A shoe should fit either foot.
I asked him a question.
His brother is talking.
He can’t lift a pumpkin.
He can’t have my keys.
The cat is in his way.
The cat won’t let him touch its eyeball.
The inside of his cheek feels rough.
Things take too long to cook.
He has too much food in his mouth.
He sneezed.
He doesn’t know how to type.
The DustBuster is going to eat him.
His mom is taking a shower.
Someone knocked over his tower.
He got powdered sugar on his pants.
The yogurt won’t stay on his spoon.



Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What's in a Name?

Did I tell you my name was changed?  Yep.  Tabby now.  Caylet (Superman himself) renamed me, along with little brother Cabby, and papa Mack. 

On a whim, I put these names into a baby name website that a college friend recently posted on fb.  (Thanks Amy!)  As far as name websites go, this one is pretty cool because you can type in names you like and it finds more along the same lines.

And here's the really crazy part.  After I typed in Caylet, Cabby, Tabby, and Mack it generated all my favorite names.  Isn't that weird?  Does my four year old share my taste in names? 

Here's the take away from this post, and I'll go ahead and spell it out for you in case you weren't reading between the lines.  I'm spending too much time on a naming website and may be a teensy bit baby crazy. 

My four year old, however, is much more open about such matters as he asks every few days, "when we gonna get one da dose?"      

Monday, February 4, 2013