Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We're Home!

We had such a wonderful time in Colorado for Christmas!  Hopefully we'll be able to share some memories soon!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Here's our Christmas Card, world. We may or may not have been too lazy to actually send it out...

Enjoy Jesus! Enjoy your family!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Here is a really sweet story about S Man.  We were looking at Ethiopia pictures 2 or 3 days ago on the computer while Lil'O was napping, and he told me "scared" when he saw one of him in the orphanage.  It broke my heart and makes me tear up now just thinking about it. 

Later we heard Lil'O crying and I told S Man that I was going to turn off the computer and go get him from his crib, and S-Man started crying because he really wanted to show his brother the pictures.  Of course then I left it on and we showed Lil'O a few minutes later.  S-Man was shouting, "look!  Thiopia! " then he would tell us the names of all the people.  I taught Seth how to push the arrow button on the computer and he looked at those pictures for another half hour or so.  At that point it may have just been that he was allowed to touch the computer, though... 

We have looked at these pictures every couple of weeks or so since he has been home (in addition to ones around the house) and his reaction has been different every time.  This time his love for his brother was so evident in how he wanted to share his story.  It was too sweet.  I can't wait for more language, because I know he has stories to tell.   

These last few months have been crazy hard some times, but we are so in love with our sons and so glad to be a family of four this Christmas. 

Friday, December 23, 2011


  • I'm assuming no one cares... but let me know if you have an opinion on picture size.  Do you like 'em way big, or the normal size they have always been?

  • We are getting ready to head out to Colorado, so the blog may take a big hit with no new posts over the next week.  We shall see.

  • I feel like I should be able to think of a third bullet point, but no such luck.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Early Christmas Present...

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the most darling Nativity set I have ever seen.  We have had lots of fun with it so far, and have only found baby Jesus in the laundry hamper once.  This seems fitting.  He's the Savior of the world, but is still concerned with the minutiae of life. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Have I mentioned yet how great it is to have a lovely friend who is a lovely photographer?  Thanks, lfh creative! 

Monday, December 19, 2011

Yep, we were at it again in Dallas.  For the record, Lil'O usually has on warm pj's but that helmet made him pretty sweaty the first couple of days.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Hat

Here it is... the much debated helmet!

Here's the website if you want to learn more about the Doc Band.  Surprising Lil'O has been totally fine with the helmet and it hasn't really bothered him at all.  S-Man didn't seem to think it was a big deal, either.  I guess it was just mom and dad that hemmed and hawed over the decision.

The only problem so far is that it sometimes causes angry eye when O is looking up.

Join us in praying for some major growth in the next couple of months!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

8 more days!

"What?!?! It's almost Christmas!?!?"

"Did you hear??  It's almost Christmas!!!"

Friday, December 16, 2011

3 Months!

Some highlights for Big Man S:
  • Suddenly loves all things Rhino.  When I sit down at the computer, "Watch a rhino? Watch a rhino later?" Here he is showing off his horn.

  • Favorite foods include Ramen Noodles with broccoli, pancakes, and anything with honey.
  • Favorite toys are definitely the match box cars.
  • He was so pleased when he learned the word booger.
  • Has started praying, which consists of him mumbling lots of nouns with his eyes half closed.  Darling.
Some highlights for Lil'O include:
  • Loving applesauce, raisins, muffins, and strawberry yogurt.  Unfortunatly this health food diet does little for weight gain...
  • Has 4 teeth, with 2 coming in two days.  I thought we would be on a major hot streak, but it looks like it is going to slow down for a little while.
  • Favorite toys include a little piano and a baby glowworm.  Loves anything that makes music.
  • Getting a helmet today! 


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

New Hobbies

Because they are too cute to not to sneak in while they are sleeping.
Weird?  Maybe.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We decided against a tree this year, because of our little guy who still thinks it's hilarious to touch things after hearing no.  Also, we are going to be in CO for Christmas, plus out of town for helmet appointments.  But... I did decorate the mantel!

It finally has gotten cold here and snowed.  S-Man was pretty impressed.  He liked touching it, but did cry when he went out with Ababa in 20 degree weather to get the mail and they picked up snow with bare hands. 

Lil'O has been enjoying all the Christmas goodies.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Time to Catch Up

Get ready to read a book.

When we saw our church’s Christmas tree up, the Hubs said to me, “It’s like time keeps moving for everyone but us”.  How can it be December?  Where has Halloween gone, not to mention Thanksgiving?  Why are stores suddenly jam-packed? How can people be Christmas shopping? 
People always tell you, “they grow up so fast”, but I’m thinking that may be even truer when they are already partially “grown” before they call you mama.  In a week we will be celebrating our three month home-iversary.  The time has flown.  We are not to the point yet where we can’t remember life before kids, or that it seems like they have always been with us, but happily everything feels normal. 

Big Man-S is all boy.  His English skills continue to grow daily, especially in the area of all things automotive.  I, however, am not extremely adept in this department, and learned where the fender is right alongside him.  He is also very, very into letters and singing the ABC’s.  He loves finding letters he knows on cereal boxes, tv, clothing, magazines, and anywhere else.  During my teaching years, my forte was always helping struggling readers, so I am so amazed and proud that he can already identify 18 - 20 letters.      

It has been really fun to see Lil’O’s personality develop since we have been home.  That boy loves to laugh!  He is the most ticklish child ever, and loves playing jokes on me.  One of his favorites is to act like he is going to put something in his mouth (leaf, woodchip, and the like) and then slyly drop it at the last minute and then laugh and laugh while I check his mouth.  This seriously happened 4 or 5 times before I caught on to his trickery.  He also loves being the center of attention and can’t believe that I don’t want to hold him for 12 hours every day.   

We have also been extremely busy in the area of doctors.  This is my apology if I have not returned your call, text or fb message.  :)  Sorry! Both boys have had a few ear infections, (S-Man even ruptured his ear drum L), plenty of shots to catch up on, PT for Lil’O’s gross motor skills, and we are about to add a major one to the schedule… Lil’O is getting a helmet.  He’s got plagiocephaly (fancy word for a flat spot on his head) and we have been to more than a couple doctors/surgeons figuring out what course of action should be taken.  The problem is his age.  He is really quite old to be in a helmet, since his head will not likely grow as fast as it did when he was an infant.  We finally connected with a good neurologist/facial-cranial surgeon in Fort Worth.  He thought we should try the helmet before surgery (if we do surgery at all) because it is no risk.  Basically if it doesn’t work, we will be out some money and time, but can still do something surgically.  But (and it’s a big but)… if it does work, all will be well in the world.  ;)  This does mean that we will have to go to Dallas every other week.  Ugh. 

Last weekend when we went we stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Fort Worth, and let me just give props to that organization.  Super nice, super hospitable, delicious food, big toy room, and all around nice.  Of course, the downside is some real sick kids.  L  I’m glad their families have RMcDH in their corner, though.  Here's the boys enjoying the toy room.  S-Man has been talking about it all week (that and the vacuum that we used there, of course!).

We even got to meet Santa, Mrs Claus, Rudolph, Frosty, and a whole slew of elves at the RMcDH.  S-Man wanted to stand in the corner, shielded by Ababa’s legs, and watch.  Lil’O fell in love with one Elf who had on a Christmas light necklace and was mesmerized. 

Anyway, please join us in praying that Lil'O's noggin still has some major growth left to do. 
Hope your December is off to a great start!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christ and Some Christmas Music

Ah, Jen.  Your blog posts are great.

Also, here is some fun Christmas music to enjoy for free!

Baby Blanket!

We sent baby Aretha Clem Holli Ira a chenile blanket.  I made it off a tutorial found here.  I think it turned out super cute.

S-man and Lil'O really liked playing with it on the blue side, saying it was the water at the park.  We got lots of bites from pretend ducks before sticking it in the mail. 

I have big asperations to make more.  We will see...

Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

A Day in the Life

Well, more like 10 minutes following Rollie Pollie.  Hope you can keep up.  :)

Is that not the best 10 minutes of your day?