Thursday, July 27, 2023

Summer This and That

Oh my word. I was going to make a super quick post about some of our random summer-going-ons and now realized I have included over 70 pictures. Apparently we have been busy! Get ready for a very long and varied post. 

Nolan and I helped with the a summer robotic camp for our district. Nolan had a blast and I was counting the hours until the end of the day and wondering why I had agreed to help. 

Ollie, Nolan, and I made a day trip to San Antonio to meet Jennifer, Zach, and Jennifer's sister and nephew at the zoo for a day. Jennifer is always extra and paid for this bird feeding experience which was so super neat. 

Komodo Dragons for the win! Nolan's across the street BFF (Parker) is obsessed with Komodos so we had to text him plenty of pictures.

Avery and Ollie's annual lemonade stand. $75 for each was not a bad afternoon's work!

Nolan asking to try out sewing when I was working on a few projects.

Swimming! Lots and lots of swimming has happened this summer. We brought Nolan's bud, Asher, to the pool. Nolan still has his floaties on in this picture! Now at the end of the summer, Nolan has been swimming without them, and even passed the swim test at the Y to swim in the deep end and go down the waterslide. In fact, the floaties were in the bag I donated to Goodwill yesterday. Whoop!

Taking Avery and Auggie to the pool as well.

Nolan has fallen in love with baseball this summer! He has done soccer, football, and basketball before, but never baseball. We have promised we will sign him up for baseball next, and he probably asks about it every other day. 

Random small town parade. 

Parade candy after. :)

We actually bought fireworks this year. Ollie has declared the 4th as one of his favorite holidays, which is just shocking to me. (It's so, so hot, you are literally expected to burn money, and my heart does not beat for BBQ.) Anyway, Ollie was so amped.

Nolan requested cinnamon rolls for a 4th of July treat. 

4th of July!

BBQ with church friends.

Beautiful sunset!

Time for the show!

Taylor and Jocelyn recently joined our Church and small group. We went to their gender reveal and it's a girl!! 

Pool party after the gender reveal.

We went to Lubbock this summer and Ollie went to Glorieta Adventure Camp in New Mexico with the Redeemer youth. I don't have many pictures to share, as they didn't have their phones at camp, but it sounds like he had a blast. 

Meanwhile, Nolan and I orchestrated our own Lubbock-fun camp with our old friends. It worked out great for Jon as well, as he worked in the Idalou office for the week. 

Linc, Nolan, and I had plenty of Chick-fil-a for lunch.

Sethie Jay H. and Nolan doing who knows what in the Hohbein basement. 

Linc and Nolan at McDonalds.

Linc and Nolan at Altitude

Eryn making Chiltons for me and Johanna! Whoop, whoop!

Jon helping Dan hang a new fan. I cannot stop teasing Dan about his fear of heights, so this was an absolute delight for me to watch. 

Logan and I looking at old pictures of our babies.

Nolan and Bonnie at Jennifer's house.

Back in Hutto (the Hippo gave it away of course-ha!) Ada and Eli playing around with Nolan

Summer book study with church friends. I definitely recommend this read!

Nolan's day at work with Dad as I was out of town. 


Plenty more baseball

Victor and Jon both preached again this summer at Church. Ug, I don't think I took a picture of Jon on his Sunday, though. Jon did such a wonderful job!!

Ollie at the Lake with Russell, Cash, and Cash's family. 

Jojo's Quinceanera!

Brewery day with Jon's co-workers

Baby shower goodies for the Flocke twins.

Jon randomly saw our old buddy Jenna at an Austin Tree Hugger happy hour.

Trying out each other's glasses

Ollie's first 7 on 7 team

These games were so fun to watch! There were some very talented players!

Nolan trying on the soft helmet.

Round Rock Express baseball game!

Kids got to run the bases when it was over.

This year's prettiest flower.

We got to take Jennifer and Zach to Chalk Ridge Falls.

Rope swing is still there!

Picnic lunch!

Whew! Wow if you survived all that!