Monday, May 30, 2016

VoilĂ !

We are done!!!  Oh my, I'm so glad!  It would have been done approximately a month ago, but Hobby Lobby doesn't get too specific when you are asking for a 33 5/8 square frame, as it turns out.  Three tries later, viola!  A frame that actually fit our mirror! 
Ok, with out further ado, here are some before and after pictures: 
Before picture from the doorway.

The beautiful after:
Here is the terrible linoleum:
And the new lovely tile and wainscoting:
More of the before:
And the after of the wainscoting:
Here is the old counter:
And the new:
New flooring, light fixtures, paint, counter, sink, faucet, wainscoting, and accessories later, we love our newly remodeled bathroom!  Woohoo!

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hallelujah, it's Summer!

Never have I been more glad to see May wrap up!  It's time to breathe and enjoy these crazy kiddos and our long hot days together!  Here's some pictures taken over the last few weeks of our happenings. 
Park play date with the Pharr Friends (Kids from Ollie's pre-k class).

Seth's last day of first grade!  If you want a comparison, the first day is here.   
Seth's class worked so hard all year on a phonics song called Chunks and Hunks.  He is really quite good at it and he does sing it to refer to the phonics rules when reading or writing.  
Seth got the Nerds award for curiosity and intelligence in all subject areas and a Science award.   
Well deserved. 
To celebrate the last day we went swimming with some friends.  People, I am so proud of these boys.  We are officially a floaty-free family.  They are both swimming so beautifully.  If these two were horsing around at a lake and fell in the water, the drowning threat is behind us.  Thank goodness says me and my smart phone that would definitely be in my pocket.      
Nolan is a pool baby.  He was so content to take it all in, coo, and kick his feet.  He also napped a good chunk of the time.  I'm hoping this wasn't a fluke and that this will be a repeat performance for him! 
Our good buds, Ethan and Logan. 
Ha! The best picture to start a summer off right! 
The Panthers also had their last game this week!
Not much beats a soccer medal.  Unless it's a reminder that your older brother got a soccer trophy for playing on this team three years ago.  Sheesh. 
Now let's kick back and enjoy some lazy days! 
Book time! 

And play time! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Noey is Three Months

Darling baby Noe-Noe is three months old today.  Ollie spent the day singing happy birthday to celebrate and begged for cake.  Noley Poley choose to celebrate by purposefully rolling from his tummy to his back today during tummy time.  I was equal parts delighted and proud, with a tiny smidgeon of "holy smokes, you conquered that pretty dang young.  Don't tell me you are going to be a nine month old walking/running terror that never stops moving...." going through my brain.

Nolan you are also a champ night sleeper and have been since the get go.  Only problem is now you can bust through a swaddle like nobody's business, which will for sure lead to 4:30 am half hearted cries.   

You are so alert, curious and attentive.  Already!  Every where we go people guess you are older because you are so into everything that is going on.  This can be problematic as you don't like to eat in a new place.  We are working on that. 

You are sweet and snuggly!  Your smiles are the cutest!  I seriously have to watch what I'm saying, otherwise I would brag about you for hours on end to everyone.  You love to be smothered with kisses. 

You are drooly!  So drooly!  But oh so adorbs. 


We love you, Sugar Pie!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Tirhas' Grad Party

We got to celebrate our friend Tirhas' doctoral graduation this weekend.  We are super proud of her and happy to celebrate with her!
 Nolan's first Ethiopian party! 

Naomi the cute!

Me, Grace, Tirhas, and Jennifer

Tirhas bought us all matching dresses from Ethiopia!  I was on team blue, but was photo bombed by the best hair ever in this picture. 

Congrats, Doc!

Sunday, May 22, 2016


Here's some Ollie-isms for ya.

I just wish I didn't have a nose.  Then I wouldn't have to smell my own toots. 

Oh Mom.  I'm just feeling so stressed.  I know!  We need to dance!

(praying) Thanks God, for all this rain.  But we just don't want it. 

And my personal favorite:
O: Mom!  We just need to name all these wash cloths!
Me: Yeah!  This one can be Squeezy.
O: Yeah!  And this one can be..... Fulreezy.
Fulreezy is girl. 
And this one can be Fred. 
He's a boy. 
Fulreezy and Fred are brother and sister. 
And this one can be Lunk. 
He's a dad, but he doesn't like his kids. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

End of Year Fun

Oh man, we are in the home stretch!  Ollie is officially done with Pre K, and Seth will be done with first grade next Friday.  This year has been totally nuts with really high highs and crazy low lows.  We are all looking forward to summer! 

Here's some pictures of Seth's class on his field trip:

Here's some of Ollie's end of year chuck wagon party:

June, here we come!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Mimi, we miss you already!

Mimi and No-man soaking each other up!
Some Mother's Day flowers for Mimi and me from our favorite Momo.
An elusive lunch date!  Courtesy of Mimi and a hole in the wall taco place! 
Noey, we are all impressed with your skills! 
So much cuteness.  
Mimi and her art!! 
Our finished work from the Clay CafĂ©. 
The rest of Mimi's trip included some water fights and

about 35 magic shows with these two magicians.