Friday, June 29, 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

San Antonio!






Thursday, June 14, 2018


Ollie is a champ and is doing so well taking one million sips of every conceivable liquid to keep that sore throat from drying out! 

And we returned home to Mimi and Nolan to find him asleep like a puppy. I could not quit laughing. Maybe I should put my laundry away...

Monday, June 4, 2018

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Bon Bon

Nolan is in love. Her name is Bonnie. 

Jennifer got a new dog earlier this spring and she is the absolute best dog. I’ve probably been around her ten times and I’ve never heard her bark.  

Even though Bonnie is so gentle and calm, Nolan was pretty skittish around her at first. Then as soon as she would leave he would turn into Bon Bon and would play puppy dog. 
The good news, gaaah!! Oh so cute! The bad news, he could only pretend to be Bonnie while naked. I guess this makes perfect sense in a two year old brain. She’s not wearing any clothes, why should I wear clothes when I pretend to be her? After some tears, I finally think I have convinced him he can be Bon Bon while still keeping on his diaper. Bad news number two, he licks everything while being Bonnie. I’m guessing this may have been part of the reason he got the tummy bug twice this spring. 

Lots of love for Bonnie and Bonnie junior!