Saturday, December 24, 2011


Here is a really sweet story about S Man.  We were looking at Ethiopia pictures 2 or 3 days ago on the computer while Lil'O was napping, and he told me "scared" when he saw one of him in the orphanage.  It broke my heart and makes me tear up now just thinking about it. 

Later we heard Lil'O crying and I told S Man that I was going to turn off the computer and go get him from his crib, and S-Man started crying because he really wanted to show his brother the pictures.  Of course then I left it on and we showed Lil'O a few minutes later.  S-Man was shouting, "look!  Thiopia! " then he would tell us the names of all the people.  I taught Seth how to push the arrow button on the computer and he looked at those pictures for another half hour or so.  At that point it may have just been that he was allowed to touch the computer, though... 

We have looked at these pictures every couple of weeks or so since he has been home (in addition to ones around the house) and his reaction has been different every time.  This time his love for his brother was so evident in how he wanted to share his story.  It was too sweet.  I can't wait for more language, because I know he has stories to tell.   

These last few months have been crazy hard some times, but we are so in love with our sons and so glad to be a family of four this Christmas. 

1 comment:

  1. Precious! What a good idea to let him process this huge transition like that. He sounds like such a sweet boy!
