Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Rollie Pollie O can now wave and say "bye bye" in what sounds like a deep old man voice and can push himself on the spiderman car.  He also has a wonderful physical therapist coming to the house 6 times a month.  The first few visits have been really great and she has given us lots of ideas on how to help O work on his gross motor skills.  Oh.. I almost forgot to mention what O may be the most proud of... pulling up on the toilet and sticking his hand in.  :[  Great.

Big Man S has grown out of a pair of shoes, recognized his first cartoon character on his underwear (Yo Gabba Gabba!), and displayed some killer three-year-old defiance when he looked me straight in the eye and then hocked a loogie on the carpet after I told him to share a book with little bro. 
He also started repeating "I love you". (I lub you!)

Together we have had our first meal from Chik-Fil-A, actually our first meal from any restaurant.  (That one was for you, anonymouse.  Your babies taste better than ours.)  Our first parade, first picnic, and first (and probably last) time we are forced to sit in pumpkins for pictures. 

October, you have been good to us!


  1. I hope O's discovery of potty water was preceded by big bro learning to flush the potty. I love that you celebrate things as their first, something I have not even thought about with my kids!

  2. I'm honored that you thought of me with the Chick-fil-A. You know you can trade the toy from the kid's meal for a free small ice cream cone, right? Stick with me, it's my pleasure to give you all the CFA tips. :)
