Friday, November 25, 2011

Maybe No, Maybe No

English is hard.
After I told S about the tongue on his shoe, he asked where the nose was.

"No stuck!"  I reply with, "good job!  Not stuck!"  He gets the hang of "not" and says 5 minutes later, "not book".  I reply, "no more books.  We are done." Then we are playing again and Lil'O almost falls down.  S says, "not fall down!".  I reply, "yes, he didn't fall down." S finishes drinking his water and then says, "didn't water".  "Yes, babe.  No more water." And around and around we go.

Yesterday we were in the back yard and the neighbors dog stopped barking.  S declared the dog to be off.

He also insists that all types of beverages other than milk and water are forms of apple juice.  He was so super excited to see lemonade the other day and shouted, "pink akkle juice!"

1 comment:

  1. Love this! It's SO funny but TRUE! (As an ESL teacher, I feel your pain!) I'm sure it's awesome to watch him figure it out :)
