Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pep Talks Abound!

Warning:  This post is actually for me.  Really, you should stop reading now.  I figured I would round up all my pep talks and stick 'em in one place, incase (or when, I should say) I need them in the future. 

* You made an avacado smoothie without me?  I feel a little sad. Also, O will walk very soon!!!

* This is an easy pep talk to come up with, because I stalk your blog and I see what a sweetie he is! He's bonding with you and his daddy and his big brother--these are BIG! Those are the scary things, to me, and he's right on it.

Also, babies do these things at their own pace. L didn't think about taking a step until she was 14 months old, and a woman behind me in line at the nursery drop off at church yesterday said that her 17 month old was just starting to try to take steps.

L first stood for a few seconds at a time only when she was distracted and usually holding something, which seems like it would make it harder to balance, but she woudln't let go of a table (or whatever she was using to balance) until she was distracted enough to grab a toy or water bottle or something with both hands. So offer up lots of good distractions!

A huge factor is that he is having to develop muscles ALL OVER. He was used to laying down probably most of the day. I remember that it took a while (2 months?) for L to sit up on her own, and the physcial therapist who consulted at her initial dr. appt. said that there are so many muscles, like core trunk muscles, that are underdeveloped and just take time to beef up.

Also, his cute little helmet might make it harder to balance. Any little thing can throw them off at first, so that extra weight probably makes it a little trickier.

I had started to get a little antsy about L, and many kind souls said that they just do this on their own time. I looked online at excercises to do (balancing, walking holding onto a broom handle that I held in front of her, using toys as bait to encourage cruising along furniture) and those may have helped, but it probably has to do with building up the right muscles. And you're feeding him healthy good things and he's working hard to keep up with big brother, using his muscles every day, so I'm sure those muscles are getting stronger and stronger. He'll get there! Other babies his age had a 6-8 month head start!

And I'll pray for Ollie and for his sweet Mama who's worried about him! You do such a great job letting us in on the joy of your new family members with your blog! Keep me posted, and let me know if you have anythign else you want me to pray with you about!

* ok.... lets start at the beginning.... for me (and you too) it is hard to be a teacher and know what we know about development and then see delays in our kids.... it sucks! but we are also hyper sensitive.... we want our perfect children to have perfect lives - no drama..... then we realize we have adopted children who came to us with more trama / drama in their short lives than we can fathom....sucks sucks sucks....BUT not the end of the world- as you so wonderfully wrote of in your post about the ronald mcdonald house :)

I had a conversation with my intn'l doc about circumcision.... you see I did not circumcise T and this was kinda a taboo thing with my fam and friends.... why would i not do it??!!! anyway I said I don't want him to stand out in the boys locker room she said...hello he is a black ethiopian- he will be different just because and it is ok because that is what makes the world go round.....

my point... all in due time.... O will do it eventually - he's not worried, only we are! My friends 14 mo old came home from ET 2 mos after T they are SO DIFFERENT... her son is laided back - sweet T not so much! T is standing... her son not even close.... still army crawling! I read a blog post somewhere recently that talked about a child home from ET who they thought was developmentally and physically delayed when she came home at 8 mos- took a YEAR and she is fine with slight gross motor delays- which are not even registering on the scale..... My niece- now 16 did not walk til 18 mos- mom was freaking out- researched and found kids that crawl for a long time actually are better readers.... just saying! ok so not a cure but he has therapy and he is fine just not ready to stand or walk.... plus i LOVE carring T think of all the extra hug time MAYBE he likes it too... You are an awesome mom you are doing everything right for the boys... O will stand and walk when he is ready.... deep breath..... miss you... wish we could have this conversation over coffee :)

* oh Joy, he will walk, he will walk!
just think about how he will seem so grown up so fast once he is walking! Enjoy the babyness while he's still a baby. Is the leg thing slowing him down, you think?
There was a girl in my library group who had a little girl that didn't start walking or even seem interested till she was like 18 months. She just preferred sitting, ha! Maybe she realized her mom would bring her toys/food, and do all the footwork for her if she just sat in one spot. smart kid!

* Heck yes he will! He has only been sitting up and crawling on all fours for, what, 3 months? Maybe he just wants to take this standing/walking thing slow. He is still making progress though. He'll get there...don't you worry!

* He will, he will. I know lots of kids who had every health and emotional thing going for them from day one and didn't walk until 18 months plus. O has come so far in a short time and will be caught up on all those silly milestone things soon. Enjoy that you get to have him in babyhood a little longer :)

* That baby has been through so much and is doing so well! He will catch up in his own time. He has that thing to balance on his head and trouble with his toes, but he is still getting around, right? He will catch up soon and then you will wish he was still! He is also so very sweet and interacts with people. That is way more important to me. His legs can catch up!

I would be more worried if he just sat there and didn't even try to move around or if he didn't engage with you. Yall are doing a great job with those boys. Think how much better their lives are going to be with you!

Pep talk complete! :)

You still with me?  I told you to stop reading long ago...

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