Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Cocoon may be Cracking!

The boys' room is complete!
Here's the only picture I could find of the before: 
Lots of Americana wallpaper!
The during:
Mimi, Ollie, and Seth are all great wallpaper removers!
And the after:
A finished room!
I really wanted to do another wall with open frames for hanging pictures like we had at our last house.  It's so easy to change out their artwork and I absolutely love it!
My mom and I found this fun car comforter at goodwill, which I cut in half and then hemmed.  Viola!  Two car comforters for the price of one goodwill comforter! They are still big enough for the boys to use in cooler months, but just don't have much hangover off of the bed.  I based the paint choices and the design off the comforter and couldn't be more pleased with how it came together.  I also saw that the comforter set was still being sold at Target, so I bought the detour and stop sign pillows that matched.  The boys, obviously, couldn't care less about throw pillows (unless it's fort time), but I do really love them.  I also loved seeing how much the comforters were selling for at Target, and loved my goodwill priced, cut in half one even more.  :)    
Seth's side!

Ollie's side!
My mom and I found the old signs and the O at an antique store.  I never could find a S anywhere, so I eventually just bought a wooden one at Hobby Lobby and painted it. 

But the absolute best part of the room has got to be their closet.  There is so much room to store clothes, toys, and all their belongs, but it also has so much floor space for room to actually play.  They boys play in there everyday, hide-out or fort style with the doors closed.  I think it's nice because they love it, but also because it keeps lots of toys corralled and out of the way.  A win, win! The middle has shelves that are open to both sides of the closet, which I also really like because then they can play together, but both have individual space.  Also that bottom shelf turns into a door for an animal cage, window, entrance to the bat cave, etc. pretty much every day. 

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is finished room number one!



  1. Nice work!!! Love it! What a great find; so satisfying to know what a deal you got. Open frames=super cool. I have a bulletin board type thing in Lucy's room that I've meant to put photos in, but...haven't. Artwork someday. :) Will have to remember the open frame idea.

  2. So cute. Is "cute" an OK word for a boy room? Hope so. You did great!
