Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer Wrap Up: Part 1

Okay!  I'm back from blogging hiatus!  We've been busy around these parts with not enough hours in the day to blog and nap! 
The breakdown of my day is as follows:
40% of my day: newborn care
5%: back to school shopping/supply gathering
5%: throwing together dinner; throwing clothes from washer to dryer
40%: turtle shell prep for a certain four-year old's TMNT party
10%: wondering if I have a mental illness for devoting so much of my day to turtle shells
We've got all sorts of pictures and events to catch up on!
Nayeli's first day with us.
Straight from the hospital!
Then Laura comes over and turns this...
into this. 
 Isn't she magic?? Both Laura and Nayeli, of course.  :)
We've fine-tuned the family nap.
Only one is faking.  I bet you can guess who.
Mimi's stay was fun and full of projects.
Not to mention some baby holding!
Jon and Nayeli have gotten snuggles down as well.
The boys helped out with paper mache on a dozen turtle shells and thus started the decay of my mental health.
The Justice League finally had time to get together.
Seth lost his first official tooth!  This is technically his fourth lost tooth gap, but was the first tooth that wasn't pulled.  He was so proud!  (It's that bottom front left one.)
Jon and I had some 3am drama, which resulted in Jon pulling out an oven from the wall hulk style.
We have two ovens, and had plans to remove this one to add a built in microwave and some shelving.  One night, for reasons unknown, the timer went off and we couldn't get it to turn off.  We have never even used this oven since moving into this house.  I decide to go feed Yelly Bean, because it's 3am and I'm up after all.  I think Jon is just going to turn off the breaker for the kitchen and we will deal with it in the morning, but when I go back into the kitchen, this is my view.  I couldn't believe it was out of the wall!  Just like that! 
Ollie continues to love dressing up and has moved from 3 constant personas to about 100.
Ollie with his baby in his moby wrap. 
Ollie the pirate captain. 
Ollie the dinosaur.
Ollie the hula dancer.
Seth continues to absolutely love his favorite show, Wild Kratts, and spends most of his days with his creature power suit on as Martin. 
He is also waaaaaay excited about school starting on Monday and loves his back to school new clothes.   

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