Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Happy Birthday Seth!!

Here's a great big seven-year old.  We had a doc appointment last Wednesday and he was 58 pounds.  I couldn't believe it.  Almost 60 pounds?? That is officially huge. 
Earlier this week, Seth and Ollie were playing superheros in the backyard.  They were making up new characters and assigning powers.  "Mom, you are SuperGirl.  You can make force fields." You know, that kind of thing.  Seth decided his super power was Creator and Inventor.  (Ollie's was the ability to punch through walls.)  This really sums Seth up right now though.  If he is not running around/biking/pogo sticking/working on flips or walking on his hands, he is working on crafts and his projects. 
Currently in my kitchen and overflowing into the laundry room:
A home made toy store, complete with paper Captain America Shields, a Spider Man kite (paper and sticks), and a few home made checker sets.
Hands glued to sticks (for when you need a high-five and no one is around)
Paper clocks
Minecraft bad guy heads (Mom, look!  This is so easy!  You just make a cube!)
The title page for the new best seller; All About Motorcycles (Mutor sicls)
The finished and edited Three Little Pigs, complete with a bar code so we can give it to the library
Instruments- sticks glued together with rubber bands strung between  (although this has been abandoned because no decent music has been made) and plans for a drum. 
Paper purses ("Someone might really want to buy these, mom.")
Book:  Minecraft by Seth
The game where you put exactly 17 post it's through out the house, then write down what you read on the post-it
Pumpkins for fall decorations
And of course the 75 pictures of swords, light sabers, Baymax, TMNT, and the like.  (Ok, ok, I exaggerate.  It's only like 35 pictures.)
Come Christmas, I'm thinking a stapler and a tape dispenser will be the perfect stocking stuffers. 
Anyway, it was super fun to celebrate this creator/inventor/wall climber!  I can't wait to see where the next seven years brings!


  1. Seth you are our most favorite 7 yr old Superhero Creator / Inventor EVER!!! Love, love, love how your creative juices flow. And PS, You are Super Girl.....
