Tuesday, April 26, 2016

2 Months!

Look at this little Sweet Potato!  Noley is officially two months old and officially a super baby. 
Nolan, here is a snapshot of your life at 2 months. 
Your brothers adore you.  Ollie loves to smell you.  We have to make him stop.  Seriously. 
You are a heavy night sleeper!  Halleluiah!  You sleep up to nine hours a night already!
Your belly sometimes hurts you after a bottle.  Maybe reflux? We are gonna talk to the doc about it at your appointment on Friday.
You are so sweet and smiley! You are starting to make the best cooing noises!
You looooooove your swing, both when awake or during a nap.
Your second love would have to be ceiling fans.
You prefer to be held or in your swing during naps.  No thanks to the crib during the day.
You are kinda eh on a paci, but love sucking on your hands.
You are rocking it at tummy time.  You will have total head and neck control in no time!
You are getting long!  I am excited to see how much you weight and your length at your appointment.
You are inconsistent on feedings, sometimes 2 ounces, sometimes up to 4 ounces.
You smile right as you are falling asleep.
You weigh 11.4 pounds (50th percentile) and are 24.6 inches (90th percentile). 
You are loved!

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