Saturday, December 3, 2016

Nine Months!

Ok, I'm way late on this one, but here it is!

Poley Pie-isms:

Pearl assures me I haven't made a parenting mis-step, but I'm not so sure.  Noley will no longer eat cheerios in favor of Froot Loops.

Noey must be a genius because he already knows about aerodynamics.  He does this super adorable fast crawl where he puts his head down and just books it.  Mostly to try and get to the toilet or open bathroom door. 

He has been standing up for a few seconds here and there throughout the day.  I have noticed it so much more even in the time we have been back from Missouri.  It's super fun when either Seth or Ollie notices it because they get so excited for him with lots of, "Mom! Mom!  Did you see that?  Did you just see what Noey did?"

He has taken his first few steps, probably less than 8 all together.  He seems proud and amused by his standing/walking progress but when he really wants to get somewhere, he is not sad to have to crawl.

Nolan has begun to say Mama and Dada.  At first I just thought it was babbling, but now I think he actually does know who is who and is saying his first words.  He crawls toward Jon with a steady Dada, dada, dada, then turns and pulls up on me repeating Mama, mama.  So sweet!

He had his nine month well check yesterday, and huge bummer (to me at least) he is a whopping 17 pounds and has dropped into the 5th percentile for weight.  The pediatrician did not make a big deal out of it, and knows how active he is, but I was still bummed.  When they explained the bare minimum, he is eating a great deal more than that, but has also been actively crawling for three months now.  Too busy to gain!  Although, at least he did gain 2 pounds from his 6 month. 

Five teeth have made it to the show! Three on top, two on the bottom.  Favorite baby foods: pears or mangos. 

Things I have learned to do since Nolan's arrival:

Drink Coffee! Ha!

Also, (I'm actually kind of proud of this one) I can now crack an egg with one hand.  Impressive, no?

And finally, here's something funny Ollie said recently.  Background: Mrs. Castaneda, his teacher is roughly my age, and if not, definitely younger. 
Ollie (talking about whatever...): Yeah, I bet when I'm a grown up Mrs. Castaneda will already be dead. 

A Tiger and a Bear.
Some pictures of those chompers!



  1. This post has it all, from cute baby pics to me snort laughing at Ollie. Nolan is a go getter in all arenas of life!! Big, sweet boy!
