Tuesday, January 24, 2017

11 months!

Oh my word, Nolan, how can it be?  The last monthly report before you are ONE!  Time has flown and I hear it only gets worse. 
Noey, you can clap!  You walk around and clap your hands with a giant smile on your face!  Music makes you clap, or you will start when other start.  Sweetie boy!
You officially are in the eating stage where I wish we had a dog to help with the clean up. 
You get stuck in all kinds of places!  I had to lift this bench off of you.  Just today you stuck your tilted head in a shelf, then straightened your head thus completely getting yourself stuck.  You wailed, of course.  I had to push your head back to a tilt to get you out.  You wailed some more.
You have a buddy to share snacks with now.  You just need to make sure he is not eating anything better than what you are getting.   
You are very convinced you will be able to drag this new toy around by this nifty handle.   
Here's some pictures of you with your new buddy.  Pretty much everything Daniel has in his hands, you just walk by and grab.   
But you are also pretty sweet together when no one is being poked in the eye. 

I finally remembered to put your monthly sticker on for a picture and here's what you thought of it:
Love you forever No-man!

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