Thursday, September 21, 2017

September, Why So Rude?

I always really look forward to this time of year! Back to school is so exciting and Seth, Ollie, and Nolan are really loving their new teachers and enjoying going to school every day, hallelujah! 

Then why does everything always go so nuts?? Here are my best guesses to the craziness: 1) spending hours packed in tightly with your new best friends can only mean GERMS! and 2) all our weekly appointments and commitments from the summer need to be shoved into the hours after school which can fill a week up in a hurry. 

This year we had the additional fun of Jon being gone on an incident management team for Hurricane Harvey, then strangely the window on the van fell out, then Ollie came down with a high fever and the doctor uttered a mothers most hated phrase: sorry, it's viral.  Then I started to get a sore throat, which I completely ignored because surely it's allergies or some diluted version of Ollie's viral problem. Then I completely lost my voice, and still continued to try and teach pre-k. Difficult, let me say. Yesterday my ear and head suddenly had a crippling pain, so I finally went to the doctor, who gave me a steroid, shot, and antibiotic. Um, yeah, so I guess I was sick. I was feeling like a man for not realizing it, hahaha.  I had an ear infection that baffled him. "Uhhhh... adults don't get ear infections like this.....".  But here we are! Onward! 

We celebrated family day by going out to eat, and I did not take one picture.  On the way Ollie said, "it feels like other people don't celebrate family day."  So we had a sweet conversation about who we know that is adopted that does celebrate and how that it is true that most people we know aren't adopted so they don't get to celebrate. 

We also had a few buddies from school over for a late bday celebration for Ollie. He wanted a nerf gun cake (WITH dots around the edge. Don't forget the dots, mom.) and to play laser tag. Turns out a few other kids were scared of the dark laser tag room, so we also jumped on trampolines and did an obstacle course. 

Noey had a big day where he took a nap at school bc I had some afternoon commitments.  (I usually pick him up at noon when I'm done with my class.) He was a champ, they told me he was the first one asleep. Honestly, this was probably a bigger deal for me than him. 

Jon took him to school today since I stayed home sick and he fell asleep on the short drive. Safe to say our new schedule is wearing everyone out! 

And I've got no new pictures of Seth! He has, thankfully, been making friends at school and has been enjoying it.  One day at a time with that one!! 

We've got soccer this weekend and I think next weekend grandma and grandpa are coming to visit!  We are looking forward to it! 

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